Everyone in this Big Apple has dreams. NYU and plastic surgeons just have different methods of getting you there.
Lisa Alpert took this photo of two ads on the 2 train on Thursday night. Rarely does anything in this world juxtapose quite so well.
Lisa, who has a great eye for the fun and absurd, also snapped a photo of monks hanging out at a frozen yogurt shop last year.
I saw this on the train yesterday. I thought that someone in the MTA advertising setup area must have done this on purpose.
Yes, intentional.
Both NYU and the doctor think bigger is better. I don’t and sorry to see the West Side Rag giving both parties ore exposure. (No pun intended.). I find the plastic surgeon’s ad distasteful and NYU’s big building boom even more revolting.
Oh, Jo Ann, Jo Ann. Lighten up! Don’t be such a curmudgeon. It certainly added a chuckle to my day! Thanks WSR!
I feel like such a boob for loving this post.
Great..now where is the doctor who’s doing the breast reductions????
F U K C bigger boobs..they suck!!!
Especially man boobs.
I wonder if the ad generated new clients.