By Carol Tannenhauser
National Humor Month started — when else? — on April Fool’s Day, coinciding with our “funniest-comments-of-the-week contest,” in which we asked commenters to be funny, in exchange for a WSR T-shirt. There were supposed to be five winners, but things happened.
Jokester says:
This contest is going to be sooo easy – I’ll definitely win one in a day.Not Entering the Contest says:
Don’t count your chickens before they cross the road.Ivy says:
Those chicks can cross West 103rd Street.
Immediately, the judges made a decision. Jokester, Not Entering the Contest, and Ivy will all get T-shirts, leaving only two more to give away — unless you count each thread as one, which is what we decided to do. In some cases, the thread was edited to include only the funniest entries.
With regard to 200 Amsterdam:
jms says:
Although the pro-development zealots are no doubt cheering the news, I was sorry to hear of the latest setback in the fight to reduce overgrown sore-thumb 200 Amsterdam Ave. to its proper height. That thing *really* sticks out, and not in a good way. If the Court of Appeals ultimately rules out truncating the top 20 floors, perhaps activists could try a new tack — pressuring the developer to sink the bottom 20 floors below the ground. This would have the added benefit of reducing the area the building takes up, allowing for a larger public plaza and more sunlight.Brandon says:
Come on, is this a serious suggestion?Bob says:
Of course. You just dig a hole and nudge the building into it. What’s so hard about that?JerryV says:
I think that sinking the building 20 stories into the ground is unrealistic, as it will go below the water table. The 20 stories should come off the middle.Paul says:
Why not? Almost every tall building has had its 13th floor removed at some point, so the technology is definitely there.
jms, Brandon, Bob, JerryV, and Paul will each get a T-shirt.
The next batch went to Jeff and Linda E., one each.
Jeff says:
This makes me think the West Side Rag needs to start selling merch. You could have a tote (West Side bag), a pennant (West Side flag), a baseball t-shirt (West Side raglan), various pet products (West Side wag) and more. Call the online store (and giveaways like this) West Side Swag.Linda E. says:
Dear Jeff,
Your suggestion that the West Side Rag consider making merchandise like a tote (bag), pennant (flag), and pet products (wag) is great, but don’t you think they also need to make something like a kitchen towel, because that would be, ya know, a West Side…Rag. 🙂
Next, came the best individual performances. We narrowed it down to these.
John Williams says:
Poetry Rag
The funniest thing I ever read
In the West Side Rag is best left unsaid
There are so many funny stories there
That to publish mine here is a bit of a dareThe Rag is so erudite, full of wisdom and knowledge
That to live on the Upper West Side is a color-blind privilege
I live in the Bloomingdale district close to the park
You know, the one you won’t venture into after it’s darkSo be it for the nonce … I may never write again
Great works of art can sometimes cause pain
I wear double X size T shirts in case nobody knows
And I’ll pick up my winnings next time I go to T Joe’sBesides prose the Rag ought to send out a pome or two
Of UWS poets there are more than a few
A contest for best, funniest, worst or saddest of pomes
Ought to keep some folks busy while locked up in their homesI’m posting this thing on my WordPress webpage
In case the Rag don’t include it on their Poetry Page
I’m not much of a wise man and was never a sage
But Old Timer’s Poetry and Theater is now all the rage
Copyright John Crawford 2021
With regard to the Neighborhood Trumpeter:
BWC says:
The trumpeter’s triumphant tremolo transcends our tragedy. Through turbulent times, the toots tire not; nor tarry. And thus – the trumpet trumps trump.
With regard to Zabar’s selling Vans:
nemo paradise says:
Next: Harry’s starts selling lox and cream cheese.
With regard to Hoptimist opening:
Kbulv says:
Another tip: they’re opening an exterminator shop next door……..Pestimist
With regard to curtailing Coupon Circulars:
Kim says:
Great job! You went right to the source and didn’t take the circular route!!!
That’s a total of 15 shirts, not bad when you consider all the clever quips we had to pass up. John Williams, writer of Rag Poetry above, offered a good suggestion for remedying that: another contest, this one featuring poetry — any form from haiku to limericks. Put them in the comments this week on this or any other article, and our favorite five (or so) will win WSR T-shirts.
On that note, maybe we’ll give out one more this round, also with regard to curtailing Coupon Circulars.
David says:
There once was a woman named Tina /
She wanted her building to be cleana /
She soon found a fix, said “We need less than six!” /
And now there’s no mess to be seen-a!
Winners, please send a note to westsiderag@gmail.com and we’ll tell you how and where to collect your prizes.
Calling all poets.
My Haiku for you…
Bird in Flight
soft light sweeps the gull
swoops and soars in windy chase
spirit sings aloft
20 syllables. Not a haiku.
To Nemo:
“A Haiku for You” was a greeting to a WSR staffer.
“Bird in Flight” is the title…..
I can’t stress this enough: PLEASE sell these shirts! For charity! For web hosting costs! For paying contributors! For covering the cost of the shirts! I *almost* don’t care where my money goes or how much you want, I NEED this shirt!!
I’d give you the shirt off my back but I need it too so I’ll give you the beautiful rag I just won 🙂
I agree. The West Sad Rag is guilty of unhumorism.Those of us who are not funny or clever should be able to get a t-shirt, too!
Then write something funny.
I guess I can play by the rules, that seems like my best chance! So here are 3 (!) lovely poems:
1. “Fair is Fair”
There once was a t-shirt I needed,
so to the comments section I pleaded:
“I’m cold and I’m styleless!”
But other commenters are witty and guileless,
So this shoddy limmerick’s proof I’ve not cheated
West Side Rag t-shirt,
Object of my desire
I’d wear you to shreds
3. Ode on the West Side Rag
Thou still unpulitzer’d site of newsiness,
Thou local-source of updates and good times,
Manhattan historian, who canst thus express
An opening or closing more succinctly than your rhymes:
What lox-fring’d bagel haunts about the mouths
Of locals or tourists, or of both,
In Temptee or with slivers of onions?
What tastes or flavors are these? What novel fish?
What Starbucks closed? What dirtbike was not chased?
What’s spotted in the park? What wild animals?
Heard breaking news is sweet, but that unheard
is sweeter; therefore, ye headlines, post on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more to read,
Post to the eyes headlines of no tone:
Fair scribe, down on the street, thou canst not leave
Thy news, nor ever can those streets be bare;
Bold newsboy, never, never canst thou hawk,
Though standing with the paper yet, do not grieve;
it cannot fade, though thou hast not thy coin,
For ever wilt thou hawk, and it be news!
Your cloth, nor ever bid the sleeves adieu;
For ever typing comments for ever new;
More West Side Rag! more West Side Rag!
For ever update’d and fresh to be enjoy’d,
For ever posting, and for ever news;
All writing Manhattan stories far above,
That leaves a reader aware and inform’d
A burning thought, and a NIMBY tongue.
Who are these coming to the comments?
To what black text, O mysterious poet,
Write’st thou that poem gunning for the shirts,
And all its silken tags with laundr’ing notes?
What western street by Hudson or park side,
Or corner-built with peaceful co-op board,
Is emptied of this folk, this Monday morn?
And, western side, thy streets for evermore
Will posting be; and not a soul to tell
Why thou art posting, can e’er reply.
O west side rag! Fair newsly blog! with text
Of HTML and links to be clicked,
With comment chains and sponsored ads;
Thou, digital form, dost tease us out of thought
As doth eternity: scroll past or else!
When old age shall this generation meet,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other blogs
Than ours, a friend to all, to whom thou say’st,
“West Side Rag t-shirt is beauty,—that is all
Ye know in Manhattan, and all ye need to know.”
Okay, here is my haiku titled Central Park.
spandex clad bikers
terrorizing everyone
not a velodrome
I want one of these so bad
Stop drooling and put your mask back on … for Dr Fauci’s sake!
Thanks WSR, honored to be among the winners! And just now seeing Linda E’s reply to me about a literal West Side Rag kitchen towel, lol.
Also the freebies are really working wonders for making the comments section more enjoyable, such a smart move.
Here’s my limerick, dedicated to my beloved neighbors in the West 69th Street Block Association:
There once was a neighborhood group
Who shared coffee and stories on stoops
They planted bulbs in autumn
Which by spring grew to blossoms
Together, they were a friendly troupe.
There once was a gaggle of friends
With Amsterdam and Central Park at its ends
Their newsletter shared stories
Of accomplishments, sorrows, joys, and worries
And events that all could attend.
There once was a block association so fine
They all lived on West Sixty-Nine
Fifty years this group’s gathered
Meeting each other was what mattered
They’ll gather again, post-pandemic, in due time.
Haiku on the challenges of communicating and socializing in a pandemic:
Mask hides emotions
I bought an eyebrow pencil
Hoping that will help
I don’t know if this, risque limerick is okay to post, but I’m taking a chance.
An Upper West Sider named Yates
Sped around Central Park on his skates
On one of his falls
He injured his b*lls
Which then made him useless on dates.
You must sell those T-shirts. I need
one large and one very small. WSR is a WS institution and needs to be celebrated. Name your price!
I love it. We have clever neighbors. Thanks WSR!
Senior’s Day
Hear ye, hear ye, all ye who are able
Whether healthy, strong, faint-hearted or feeble
This you must hear if you will give me an ear
Saturday, April 24 is Senior’s Day this year
Now this is good reason to jump up and shout
And for seniors from indoors to arise and come out
We can start with a visit to a tulip garden display
And do whatever we want for the rest of the day
I, for my part, on this historic Senior’s Day
Will be reading some poetry and then act in a play
It’s all about the poor souls who in nursing homes died
Lest the Empire State fall victim to a false sense of pride
So come one and all, whether short, fat or tall
And we’ll surely be having one heck of a ball
Speaking of balls bring your Yoga ball and mat
Or else we’ll just run around in the park we meet at
On your face I’ve no doubt some may wear a big frown
As you contemplate celebrating your age in this town
If homebound in a wheelchair or crutches you need
You are still welcome to join us and we wish you Godspeed
Copyright John Crawford 2021 http://www.PoeticJustice.vip All Rights Reserved
This shirt is the ultimate Zizmorecore grail.
Hi…I’m a former UWS dweller who lives in exile since retiring. If there are any t-shirts left, have mercy and send me one. It is H*ll living in Pittsburgh, no matter what anyone tells you…Amazon understood, the rest of the world will catch up.
Yes, please make these shirts to sell to all of us — and in colors, please.
One cherry-mango Italian Ice drip, and a white T-shirt’s career is over. I want one, and I want it to last.
I felt inspired to write you a poem!
The Sabbath was coming as I walked up Broadway,
In search of a challah, I went to Fairway.
I got there and found the crowd was bizarre,
So I picked up my bags and I went to Zabars!
Sign of the times ( Haiku)
put your face mask on
wash hands with soap and water
daily mantras said