Community Board 7 will meet Tuesday night via Zoom and attempt to field public comments over the tech platform. If you’ve been yelling at a screen for several weeks like the rest of us, this could be a real chance to have the screen start giving you answers.
To pre-register, go to this link.
The board will first go through its business session, which includes applications for a sidewalk cafe, a change to a landmarked property, and changes to Central Park that we’ve written about previously.
Afterwards, Chairman Mark Diller tells us the board will attempt to take any and all public comments. So why not participate? You don’t even have to leave your house!
Business Session
Business & Consumer Issues Committee, Linda Alexander and Christian Cordova, Co-Chairpersons
Resolution Re:
1.   510 Columbus Avenue (West 74th – 75th Streets.) New application #2289-2020-ASWC to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Motorino 3 Inc., d/b/a Motorino, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 4 tables and 12 seats.
Preservation Committee, K Karpen and Michele Parker, Co-Chairpersons
Resolution Re:
2.   12 West 72nd Street, Apt 27B, 28B & 29B (Central Park West – Columbus Avenue.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission to install two new masonry openings at the 28th floor on the building’s East Façade for new French doors to existing terrace and two new masonry openings at the 29th floor on the building’s East Façade for new double hung windows.
Parks & Environment Committee, Elizabeth Caputo and Klari Neuwelt, Co-Chairpersons
Resolutions Re:
3.   Central Park. Conservatory Garden, 5th Avenue between East 104th-106th Streets. This is an in-kind restoration of the garden’s infrastructure, paving, fence and masonry. Limited regrading will be completed on an as-needed basis in compliance with ADA requirements.
4.   Central Park. Dairy Access Path, mid-park, near 65th Street. addition of a ramp and regarding the path to the Dairy Visitor Center to achieve accessibility.
Health and Human Services Committee
Catherine DeLazzero and Sheldon Fine, Co-Chairpersons
Resolution Re:
5.   Providing for the most vulnerable New Yorkers in the COVID-19 crisis.
New Business
Approval of minutes from the March full board meeting
Approval of minutes from the April full board meeting
Chair’s Report: Mark N. Diller
Community Session
We welcome all members of our community (residents, businesses, CBOs) who would like to speak on issues of interest to them. Members of the community are granted two minutes for remarks, and we will also accept a written copy for the record.
Manhattan Borough President’s Report: April Adams
Reports by Elected Officials
Reports by Elected Officials’ Representatives (One-minute remarks)
Here’s one video on how to get set up for Zoom:
Corona is nothing but Transportation chair Howard Yaruss’s opportunity to push his anti car agenda through without public comment. That is who he is IMO.
Why does West Side Rag publish ridiculous personal attacks and offensive comments like this? Transportation is not even on the agenda at the meeting according to this article- get a grip. People like “ST” thankfully are just a tiny minority fringe of viewpoints on the UWS- unfortunately they’re very loud and create a misperception that they speak for the rest of us, when they don’t. We thank members of the Transportation Cmte and the full Community Board for volunteering their time to make our community better, supporting pro-safety measures on the streets in the UWS. Coronavirus demands even more of us in terms of allowing safe social distancing and safe transportation- if anything they should be doing MUCH more- not less at this time.
Close streets to traffic and put restaurant tables in them. Al fresco dining for neighborhood businesses. Safe. Re-newed Income & Customers= Jobs.
No brainer.
“Corona” is actually something more than that. Do you have any examples of this ST?
Yikes! We need to do a better job with diversity.
Is there a chance that the “vulnerable” can quarantine themselves and the rest of us with no underlying conditions or who may have antibodies (not saying you can’t get it again) can be allowed to start getting back to some sort of normality? Seems to me that the the majority of people (as has been stated by Cuomo and others) will “self-resolve” and even those who do get hospitalized will survive and that a very low percentage will go on a ventilator and then even a lower percentage will not get off the ventilator. So, what’s to make of this massive quarantine if so few (most vulnerable) are the ones who should quarantine while the majority must also do the same?
According to the hospitals in our District, 15-20% of those hospitalized die. Hardly an encouraging statistic.
15-20% of how many people who have been infected and put on a ventilator? You’re using a number with no context…please be more specific.