Restaurants can’t serve sit down meals, but that doesn’t mean you can’t park your pickup truck outside and set up a tablecloth lunch with your significant other. This man ordered a meal from Carmine’s at 2450 Broadway (90th-91st) and ate it al fresco on a nice day.
Photos via Mikayla.
He’s also wearing a MAGA hat, which helps with social distancing round these parts.
Why do you think that is a MAGA hat? All I see is a red hat. I have ones in that color for the US Open.
Copy this first photo to your computer. Enlarge the image.
I just don’t understand how anyone can watch those press conferences and think, “yeah, this is my guy, he’s doing a great job, making America proud”.
I’ll never get it. Hopefully it’s only a few more months. It’s literally become a life and death situation.
Again, WSR posting people acting irresponsibly. (No masks)
Whom is he at risk of infecting?
Even with all the information that’s been disseminated, it’s amazing how disconnected some people are from the necessary safety protocols. I see people walking in the park wearing full hoods and gloves but they’re within feet of each other. They might be a family unit but that level of care seems excessive. It takes crises like this to find out how many of our neighbors are riddled with anxiety. That explains a lot of their behavior in non-COVID times.
How do you wear a mask while eating?
You can’t wear a mask while eating, Amy. Also no need to try and shame the rag for sharing a 100% wholesome, feel-good post.
We need to be safe, not condescending.
Start a trend!
Larry David was onto something when he figured out a MAGA hat would keep people far away from you
I’m gonna chime in and say bravo to those two diners–supporting a local business and making the best of things with flair.
I think this is great… creative and very funny!
Stupid stupid stupid. Great way to ensure more people get infected. Leave it to the guy in the $100k pickup truck.
How does eating a top his pickup truck infect others?
Thought it was a clever idea and if indeed he is wearing a MAGA hat, people will definitely stay 6 ft away!
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