As we say goodbye to the 2010s, we look wistfully back on businesses that were once important gathering places for generations of Upper West Siders. Here are three that give us particular pangs.
1. Maxilla and Mandible
For 27 years, this small shop on Columbus Avenue and 81st sold a hodgepodge of curios, from dinosaur teeth to fossils to fully taxidermied animals. It was a must-stop for city kids, many of whom had just been to the Museum of Natural History. But it was forced to close in 2011 as rents rose, owner Henry Galiano told us.
Read the story about the closing here.
2. Big Nick’s Burger & Pizza Joint
Big Nick’s on Broadway between 76th and 77th closed in 2013 after 51 years as a neighborhood mainstay. The greasy spoon was unpretentious and the food was good and filling. The Hotel Belleclaire raised the rent as property taxes rose and decided to redesign its Broadway-facing facade. Owner Nick Imirziades, who owned other spots in the neighborhood too, died this year.
Read the story about the closing here.
3. Lincoln Plaza Cinemas
Throughout the 20th century, the Upper West Side was known for its many movie houses, which thrived because they were supported by a neighborhood full of art-lovers and intellectuals (and pseudo-intellectuals too). Most of them closed decades ago, but Lincoln Plaza Cinemas at 62nd and Broadway soldiered on, supported by its beloved operators Dan and Toby Talbot. In 2017, landlord Milstein Properties said they had to close after 37 years to allow for renovations; the doors shut for good in January 2018. The question now is whether a new theater will one day open there. Until then, the theater’s fans have started a group called New Plaza Cinema that still screens special films.
Read the story about the closing here.
So hold onto those memories, and share more in the comments. And Support Local Businesses!
Ocean Grill was the biggest blow when it closed suddenly in December 2015. That was the beginning of the scaffolding business assassinations.
My wife and I had our first date (after meeting at a wedding four nights earlier) at Ocean Grill. Was devestated when it closed…still are.
My wife and I also had our first date at Ocean Grill in June of 2004. Since then had been back a hundred times and it still hurts. Atlantic grill has the same menu but not the same vibe
What about the mustard store?
We miss Brother Jimmy’s and Essentials and Price Wise. All our go to’s
I agree about Price Wise! …And Caesar’s Pizza! …and Polpette on Amsterdam! Honorable mention to Calle Ocho and Artie’s.
Price Wise +100
Calle Ocho is still here, now on Broadway at 106th street.
I don’t know whether there is any solace in this — maybe I saw wrong, or maybe it is only temporary — but it looked to me this afternoon, from the other side of Amsterdam Avenue, like The Great Burrito is still open.
Their website is still accepting orders, too.
Agreed on Big Nick’s and the Cinema. As a parent, I would also vote for some of the family friendly restaurants like Artie’s, Brother Jimmy’s, and Big Daddy’s. Also H&H (I believe it closed in 2011).
Also, I am not a big fan of Gap and Banana Republic, but it makes me sad seeing the big empty spaces they used to occupy at 86 and Broadway.
Great point!
West Side Market is greatly missed. Although small it was my go to for day to day items.
I miss West Side Market every single day.
I would add the beloved and sorely missed Westside Market that was on Broadway near 77th St. Besides convenience, it had things that no other market had – cheeses, bakery, coffee beans, prepared food, etc. And now it’s unbearably crowded in Fairway for less quality and often pricier items.
Boat basin cafe!
I’m still devastated by the closure of Harry’s Burritos on Columbus & 71st several years ago.
I’m glad you connect Big Nick’s closing to property taxes. This is all on that clown in City Hall. Oh but what about the landlords, so many say. The landlords just pass on the property tax hikes to the tenants. NOT complicated.
Leaving aside the political vituperation – when were the current commercial RE tax rates set?
I’d add Fauna/Uptown Birds in its various incarnations (Amsterdam Ave then W87th then Columbus Ave). Always a fascinating, educational escape for kids and adults alike. I do hope the bald little African grey parrot survived the owner’s downfall. It’s the quirky shops that give/gave character to a neighborhood, whether UWS, West Village, Soho,… all evaporating.
Abbey Pub! Was a mess sometimes, but the food was solid and reasonably priced.
What about Isabella’s? A fun place for brunch, or after taking some out-of-towners to the Museum of Natural History…
It was also the first place I took my husband (of 30 years) on our first date… Sigh!
I miss Isabella’s. It was an open beautiful space, and the food was always excellent.
And I’m also still very much missing Petland Discounts. 🙁
For last time; owner of Petland Discounts passed away, and family decided to wind up the business.
It had nothing to do with rents, taxes or whatever. Owner ran things as a sole proprietor not letting on much on how the business operated. Sadly when you do such things and then die everyone is left in dark as how to carry on.
That doesn’t mean she can’t miss the store! I much preferred it over the other pet store on the block. I took the crosstown bus over to Petco on Lex & 86th and things aren’t looking too good over there either. All of the top brand names are no longer being sold and the cashier said the company decided to go ‘in another direction.’ I hate to say it but I may have to start using online services. 🙁
Niko’s (Greek) for its friendly staff and incomparable grilled calamari. Also Dan (Japanese) always a nice spot for an inexpensive dinner near Lincoln Center.
Niko’s was also owned by Big Nick.
We miss Dan!
Picnic, a modest Alsatian bistro, at 102 and Bway. Jean-luc Kieffer, chef-proprietaire,driven out by rising rent, died suddenly last January in his native Alsace.
I loved Picnic too. I remember seeing Chef Kieffer there with his wife and young daughter. Very sorry to hear of his passing.
We so loved Picnic! We went nearly every Friday or Saturday night with our young son. We felt the restaurant became a part of our extended family, we loved everyone, including the guest 12-string guitarist. What a wonderful neighborhood establishment and sad news about the fabulous chef.
Brunch @ Isabella’s
Scott wrote: “I’m glad you connect Big Nick’s closing to property taxes. This is all on that clown in City Hall.”
Which clown do you have in mind? Anyone who has owned property in Manhattan knows that they tripled under Bloomberg.
DeBlasio is the clown. Stores are closing under his watch. As “mayor” he must take responsibility. But he doesn’t, because he’s a lying coward.
DeBlasio is not a clown. There is nothing funny or sad about DeBlasio. He is a danger, through his laziness, inaction, and deflection. He is leading this city to violence and economic ruin.
Yep, and how many people who read this voted for him..anyone who votes for a Democrat has no one but himself/herself to blame for the deplorable state the UWS is in.
Liberty House
I especially love to Liberty house way back when when it was on 87th and Broadway!
Not to take away from the ‘official’ WSR picks, but I would humbly like to add two additional entries: 1. Westside Market, 2. Telepan.
West Side Market on Broadway (76-77) is SORELY MISSED!!
Does anybody know anything about the status of Lincoln Plaza space? Any work at all done? Or alas another empty promise by the building owner to blow us off and bring out the cynic in me.
NYT had an story on LPC several weeks ago.
Still bitter about Ernie’s and the Bear Bar.
I think they both went away in the previous decade. But never mind.
Liberty House
Evelyn Lounge!!!!!
I would add a critical 4th – West Side Market at 76th Street! They were a family business, with great service, that treated customers like family. It is missed by all of us who frequented the store.
Scaletta’s – my late dad’s favorite restaurant. Very sad to see it go two years ago.
Henry’s, Price Wise, Ouest, and Westside Market are all greatly missed.
So agree with Telepan
We also lost Candle Bar, after more than five decades in business. A real loss for the UWS’s gay community.
All State Cafe on 72nd!
Honestly, I miss the little Lowe’s on 68th and Broadway. It was perfectly curated for city living. I got all my plants there, and they’re all still alive.
I think that Popover Cafe was a true loss to the fabric of the community.
I loved Popover!
Popover biggest restaurant loss on west side.
Big Nicks of course and West Side Market. Miss both desperately.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I still miss Island Burger ( Amsterdam) They cooked it correctly every single time!!
In addition, I miss Bello Sguardo ( Amsterdam ) They may have closed before 2010, but who remembers anymore ! LOL . While we are at it, Shining Star and Manhattan Diners!
Lichtmann’s bakery, 86th and Amsterdam!
Oh, those wonderful older ladies, with their aprons and hair nets, who sold those amazing Hungarian (?) baked goods! MMM! Great memories.
I miss West Side Market at 77th the most!
Toast on 105th and Broadway. Great Food and family atmosphere.
Westside Market, Pricewise, Westside Market, Scaletta, Westside Market, Lincoln Plaza theater, Westside Market. Allstate Café and Westside Market
Price wise!
No one has mentioned Josie’s at 74/Broadway. I literally cried when they closed. Still miss them.
Wasn’t Josie’s at 74th and *Amsterdam*?
Yes, you are correct–
Yes, Jose’s and Citrus both for me!
Yes, both these.
Birdbath bakery on Columbus and 85th. The Baker’s muffin was colossal and delicious.
I mourn many losses but City Pie, Westside Market, Gigi’s and Big Nick’s hit me hard.
Ocean Grill + Isabella’s both had great food and ambiance. Thank you, Steve Hanson.
I rode in the elevator with him once (I’m a neighbor), when I was holding a bottle of champagne and a small pizza box. Steve said, “Champagne and Pizza, what could be better?”
How can you not mention Dan’s Tempura House, on Broadway near the AMC?!? And before that, was the loss of Ollies’s, across the street!
West Side Market sorely missed. Pricewise as well. So many empty storefronts…can Pricewise come back? They had everything from school supplies to high end hair products and their other store downtown is still open. Ditto West side mkt. With their many new locations. What is it about the UWS that drives business away? We’ve lost everything except the nail salons which multiply longer are we a convenient place to live.
It was there for the blink of an eye back in 2011 – 12 but Spices and Teas on Broadway around 98th St. Their former storefront is still empty. There should be an incentive for landlords to keep small business tenants, rather than squeezing them out and taking a tax deduction.
Cleopatra’s Needle suddenly closed day just a day before Christmas Eve. Loved hearing Jazz there. And good reasonable food. Although, I dod hear the the owner was horrible to customers and staff alike!
How about Joe’s? Best burgers and sloppy joes. It was replaced by JG melon which didn’t last.
Glad we still have Fred’s!
Candle Cafe and Cleopatra’s Needle. Also the Bodega on 92nd and Broadway, though not as much since we do thankfully have the one on 93rd and Broadway. Oh, and that coffee shop on the west side of Broadway between 93rd and 94th, can’t remember the name, it was just like Hot and Crusty between 87th and 88th.