Restaurants have closed, but a children’s store just expanded and a new blow-dry spot is open for business.
Chinese restaurant Legend has closed its location at 258 West 109th Street. Thanks to Rory for the photo.
Drybar has opened its newest location at 243 West 99th Street. Thanks to Rachel for the tip.
Nail salon Perfect Polish at 185 West 80th Street has closed. “So upsetting!! A solid neighborhood spot for me,” wrote Melissa. Thanks to Marc and Melissa for tips.
Laytner’s at 2276 Broadway (82nd Street) has a “For Rent” sign in the window, and readers alerted us to the possibility that the store might be closing after 30-plus years on the Upper West Side. But there’s still hope. Cema Roman, the store manager, told us “Laytner’s has until the summer before their lease runs out and they are negotiating with the landlord” — who]ich happens to be Zabar’s. “We’re not happy about the sign,” Roman said, “but we’re hoping they’ll reach an agreement.” Rent is not Laytner’s only problem. “Business has been up and down due to internet shopping,” she added.
Children’s clothing store Stoopher and Boots has expanded, taking over the old Cafe Noi space on Amsterdam between 78th and 79th Streets. “We are now twice the size and are offering lots more for kids and moms’ including a Sparkle bar and party space,” wrote owner Stephanie Goldstein. Thanks to Corrie, Beth and Laura for the tips.
The landlord put a “for rent” sign on the window of Big Nick’s at 70 West 71st Street, making it more likely that the famed burger and pizza joint, which had been around for more than 30 years, has closed for good. Thanks to Doug Smoyer, CSGNYC5, John and William for the tips.
Life goes on.
Wow. End of an era. RIP Big Nicks. Sorry to hear. I loved that place–the original one on Broadway.
The Original Big Nick`s is highly missed and I wish someday in my lifetime it will re-open but the one mentioned above is a far cry from it.
True Janice, the one on Broadway was great. The one on 71st had different ownership and was nowhere near as good AND they stole money from their employees (see WSR story from last week) – couldn’t pay the $2M fine and disappeared into the night.
Bummed about Laytner’s… but I think it’s sometimes a cop-out to blame closures on “internet shopping.” I have ducked into Laytner’s dozens of times over the past few years… and have been disappointed with the lack of merchandise variety. 2 bath rugs, 3 comforters (all plain white or beige), and a bunch of candles? Less an “internet” issue and more a lack of supplying enough compelling merchandise (my opinion). Still sorry to hear this news, as service has always been good. Nice people. Good luck!
Me too. I tried to shop there and they never had what I needed in stock.
the Mandell Preschool also just announced they are closing at the end of the academic year. Bad for the families they accepted for the 18-19 school year!
Could you document that? Is it all locations or just certain ones?
Mandell at Amsterdam and 66th? That’s not good for that buikdinf. The huge corner store has never been occupied.
In my opinion, Stoopher & Boots window display is an eyesore on this stretch of Amsterdam Avenue. It’s small windows are jam-packed full of goods (some lovely) that appear to have been thrown in just to expose the merchandise available within. I’m hoping that their expansion may improve the visuals since there will be more window exposure, perhaps allowing for a more eye-appealing and creative display of their wares…
Seriously??? Haven’t you heard the adage, “If you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself”. Stephanie is a true UWS’er who just went through 3+ years of scaffolding over her store. You need to check your attitude and support local businesses. 28% of UWS stores are empty. S&B is expanding!!!
I like the Stoopher windows too. They are always fresh and changing. The dry cleaner next store also has amazing window displays. Both stores really perk up the block.
What’s more of an eye sore, that or blocks after blocks of vacant stores?
First of all, I think their window displays are very nice. Secondly, I would rather have any window display, particularly one like theirs which shows nice merchandise, then an empty window with a big “FOR RENT” sign on it, such as the ones at the restaurant a few doors down from them.
People around here sure do like to complain!
Wow – Perfect Polish was open this past weekend and was always busy. I wonder what happened there.
Does Walker Malloy control all of the commercial property on the UWS – Don’t know their history and too lazy to use Google at the moment – Just Curious as it’s usually their names on the windows
So very sad.
So, Big Nick’s tries to duck out on the money they owed their employees by running out in the middle of the night?
Another one, following in the footsteps of Saigon Grill; isn’t there supposed to be a law that keeps places from doing this?
So excited to shop the expanded wonderful Stoopher and Boots! At a time when so many of our neighborhood shops are closing, it’s great to see one expand!!! Congratulations and best of luck for many more years of success !
looks like Caridad restaurant on 88-89 & Amst has called it a day.
That place went tremendously downhill recently. Last time there the food and atmosphere was so awful we never went back. Really liked it before.
tragic to read about Big Nick’s… such a classic spot with above average pizza and burgers… awesome calzones… legit breakfast. All at a good price. A real shame the owners mistreated their staff and had to go through that lawsuit costing them a lot of money. I was fearing this day would come. Now the neighborhood is without a nice late night spot for an assortment of eats. I’m beside myself right now… I used to joke I’d leave this place if we lost big nicks… mostly cause it felt like old new york and was a homey spot with plenty to select from. The neighborhood feels naked without it now. losing lots of soul lately.
My get out of dodge place is Dublin House. If that place closes, I’m outta here. Hang in there Dublin House.
OMG a nail salon closes. Please walk on both sides of West 72 Street or any place else in the neighborhood and pick a new salon. Just be careful when the person behind the desk tells you that the credit card machine isn’t working – it’s cash that the owner doesn’t declare as income.
Restaurants that close the way Big Nick’s did almost never reopen again.
Perfect Polish will be missed. No other good pierogies on the UWS.
I loved Pizza Joint Too, on West 70th Street. Best burgers! However, now that it has been disclosed that the bums who owned the place had been stealing wages from employees, I regret that I ever spent one plug nickel there.
Those of us above 90th St will miss Legend it was hands down the best Chinese food on the UWS. We ordered from there very regularly and never had a bad experience or a bad dish. BTW, it closed at least a couple months ago.
One of the biggest problems in NT today: the destruction of small businesses. Even Columbia now rents to Pret and Shake Shack… It is the end of neighborhoods!
Tallulah’s on 71st and Columbus is closed. There is a new awning and a sign on the door from Tallulah’s management thanking customers and saying “hope to see you in the neighborhood “.