We got some fun jack-o-lantern pictures from readers in our pumpkin-carving contest. Check them out and vote below! Voting will close at 5 p.m. Thursday.
8. Greg “Fallingwater at Fright Night.”
Which pumpkin is your favorite?
- Naveen (42%, 179 Votes)
- Reiner (17%, 71 Votes)
- Greg (11%, 48 Votes)
- Elizabeth (10%, 45 Votes)
- Jackson (8%, 34 Votes)
- Gene (4%, 16 Votes)
- Dana (4%, 16 Votes)
- Meg (2%, 7 Votes)
- Lindsey (2%, 7 Votes)
- Brian (1%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 429
Great pumpkins!
How is Donald Trump like a jack-o-lantern?
They are both orange on the outside, hollow on the inside, and they both need to be tossed to the curb in a week!
#8 – the most original by far!!!
#. 1 – Naveen
runner up
Please vote in the poll above, not in the comments. WSR
#8 is Great!! Reminiscent of a Frank Lloyd Wright structure..
#8 is awesome!
1. is amazing
Wow!! They are all great and really creative and imaginative.
Hard to pick one; but, went with Elizabeth.
Had to vote for someone with same name as me.
Loved Leda’s Trump joke.
Told friend I was going to the parade. She asked where is your costume.
Told her: I’m an attorney. That’s scary enough. I don’t need a costume.
#1 is amazing.
The dead panda in #10 is also kind of cute.
I voted for Jackson’s dino pumpkin – love the UWS/AMNH vibe!
They all amazing. Number 1 and 7 meg outstanding for me.
Voted by secret ballot.
I don’t like to discuss Politics
#8 is awesome. Very creative.
I’m voting twice because the vote is rigged.
#1 rules!
Good job Jackson!
not sure where to vote. I vote for Jackson #6
so cute. love these
Jackson’s was perfect!
Naveen #1
Very original!
Greg wins!
The best!!
I have carved pumpkins with my kids for years. This is the most relevant and topical I have ever seen!
My vote:
#8. Greg’s Fallingwater at Fright Night!
Gene: Creative, …The most terrifying!
8 Was the Best
#8 Greg
Most unique by far…a winner for sure.
Museum piece.
Very Creative
Go Greg