Photo entitled “Young Gods of Manhattan” by BW3200.
January 31, 2013 Weather: Partly Cloudy/Wind, High of 45 Degrees.
A free Lincoln Center Lunar New Year celebration and more on our calendar.
On January 18, a 37-year-old man came home to his apartment on West 68th Street after going out drinking with friends and was stabbed by his wife. “The victim sustained wounds to his chest and cheek. The woman was arrested for assault.” The brief article has no other info on the crime or the motive. (NY Press)
Residents of the Douglass Houses (from 100th to 104th) say that the NYCHA broke into their apartments to make repairs. NYCHA had put out flyers, but did not include dates an dtimes they would make repairs. “They shouldn’t break into apartments,” Depas said. “They shouldn’t have that authority to break into people’s apartments like that. We are human beings. We pay rent. We’re not dogs. Why would they do that?” (NY1)
Speaking of the Douglass Houses… Residents have called on NYCHA to restore the project to its former state. “This was a place that cared about what the children were doing,” one resident recounted. Nowadays, “we are in the press as a community that is crime-ridden.” (Columbia Spectator)