Upper West Side restaurant news keeps oozing into our mailbox, like fake cheese on a huge plate of Super Bowl nachos.
Casa Pomona: The Spanish spot on 85th street was forced to close because of a water main break, according to a sign on their window, and it’s not clear when they will reopen. They had to cancel Sunday’s Super Bowl party. (They sent em a Valentine’s day menu, though, so it looks like they’ll reopen before then.)
Big Nick’s: Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal asked Nick if she could get involved in any way and he said that for now he’s still hoping to negotiate with the landlord on his own. Meanwhile, the landlord told New York Press that he doesn’t do business in New York anymore (although, as we first reported, his company’s name is listed on the most recent deed filed with the city): “The person listed as the building owner, John Huber of Lophijo Realty Corp., refused comment, saying that he no longer does real estate in New York.”
Teavana: Tipster Eliane tells us that Teavana, a tea company recently purchased by Starbucks, will be going into the spot on 81st and Broadway that used to house Vitamin Shoppe. It’s expected to open next month.
Whole Foods: There’s a free wine event Thursday night. “The Whole Foods Market Upper West Side Wine Store (808 Columbus Ave.) will be holding a FREE wine tasting this Thursday, January 31st from 5pm-8pm. Attendees can join Beverly, our culinary specialist, in our wine store as she explores dishes from around the world. Attendees will be able to taste her creations and sample wines paired perfectly with each dish. Folks can take home recipes and a variety of complimentary wine options that will please any wine enthusiast.”
Henry’s: At the Super Bowl party at the restaurant on 105th and Broadway, there will be special football shots, a pool and more. They’ll also deliver you a full meal if you give them 48 hours notice: “We are also very excited to be offering delivery of a 6-person super bowl party-in-a-box. It is designed to provide 6 people with choice of an appetizer, a sandwich, and a dessert for each person for $120. Questions can always be asked via phone 212.866.0600 to the manager on duty.”
Epicerie Boulud: If you prefer your Super Bowl party fancy, Epicerie Boulud on 64th can hook you up. Check out the menu below (click to enlarge). Pass the Gaufrettes!