January 19, 2012 Weather: Mostly Sunny, High of 39 Degrees.
If you’re interested in writing or taking pictures for the Rag, let us know by emailing info at westsiderag dot com.
Curbed has put together a handy-dandy map of townhouses on the Upper West Side that are on the market for more than $10 million or have recently sold for more than that amount. It appears that local townhouses that used to house six to ten households are being cleared out to make way for ultra-rich buyers who want the whole thing and are happy to pay for it. Welcome to the new gilded age! (Curbed)
What are the “best and worst products” at Trader Joe’s? The worst, supposedly, is the Turkey Meatloaf Muffins: “Easily one of the worst things I’ve ever put in my mouth since being old enough to know better.” (The Daily Meal)
Rubicon Property gives money from its sales to a group that is working to provide clean water in Africa. (DNAinfo)
President Obama will be attending a fundraiser at the Apollo Theater in Harlem tonight. His route is unclear but don’t be surprised if it affects Upper West Side traffic. (Amsterdam News)
Lots of people came out to a meeting last night about a city plan to try to keep big-box stores out of the Upper West Side and enrich street life. The Community Board committee members were generally in favor of the plan, with some caveats. We’ll have more on it later, and luckily lots of other journalists were there to also file reports.