By Gary Martin
I don’t think my chair yoga classes are working.
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Gary B. Martin is an illustrator and animator who has lived on the Upper West Side for more than 30 years. His illustrations appear in the Rag on Sundays, chronicling life in the neighborhood, New York City, and the Universe. See them all here. For a broader range of Gary’s work, including animations and other motion graphics, please visit
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Nope. Not just you.
Yep!!! My soul is hurting Gary!
I related before I even saw the caption!
You’re not supposed to make the chair do the exercises.
I thought it was just me.
We have possibly 4 more years of ineptitude, depravity & moronic behaviour. It’s like a Twilight Zone episode where a demonic child has supernatural power. We need to find a way to cut this timeframe short.
What does this have anything to do with this cartoon and Gary’s yoga classes? Can you spend 5mins a day without bothering everyone with your political virtue signaling?
What do you think that kid in Pennsylvania was trying to do with his rifle? Support the man in the White House. Anything else is hoping the pilot of the plane your on fails at his job.
I wonder whether total economic and social collapse would help.
If only this were fiction
Do I relate, or what!!!
Getting older is just your body’s way of saying, “Ha Ha, You Think that’s bad? Watch this”
I sent your comment to several aching friends. It was universally loved.
Totally relate to this! At least the cartoon made me laugh — good to have a sense of humor. BTW, tried chair yoga but it only made me wish I could get back to “regular” yoga.
Ain’t that the painful truth
Yup. With you on that!
Yep. Ouch. Ouch OUCH..
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”
Alvin Toffler
Which is not to say that conventional, 20th-Century illiteracy isn’t still a problem in this country: 54% of American adults have a literacy proficiency below the 6th-grade level and 20% are below 5th-grade level. I’ve also read, albeit ~20 years ago, that only about 10% of Americans read more than one book a year unrelated to work or school.
I remain convinced this explains a great deal about our current plight — but also suggests a potential solution.
mentally, emotionally, logistically, subjectively, spiritually, and yeah, physically. Everything hurts.
Why mentally or emotionally? What happened that is so tragic in your neighborhood?
Aging is beastly difficult, but it beats the alternative. Carpe diem, and one day at a time, as the old people and alcoholics say.
I love the Cartoon and agree with the sentiment, but the bigger question is why do we feel this way and what can we do about it.
Might be time to adopt a an old dog.
With the never ending whining and depression around here, even an old dog would run away from the UWS
My mother – who passed a few years ago – aged 95 – used to say: Getting old isn’t great; but the alternative is worse –
Omg. No I am So achy! And so is everyone I know. What’s up??!
I just completed a series of six visits to various medical providers…and have a few more appointments in the coming weeks. There may be aches and pains…but they are getting better!
Indeed! But the body I feel I can repair….it’s my mind and soul I’m worried about!
Maybe stop defining yourself exclusively through your political identity, you will feel better.
This is the Raggiest Rag post of all time. Neurotic hypochondriacs unite!
Sorry about the chair yoga classes…might the “Think Method,” help? Take care, Gary. We need you to keep supplying cartoons that rile us up !
tell me about it!