We have heard from the owner of Indie, a dog that has been missing for the last few days after last being seen on 75th Street and West End Avenue. See below for the update as of Saturday morning:
Update for Indie: Saturday 730am
Indie is still missing. Last positive identification could be in three different places on:
1) Running south on 57th street and West End Ave
2) Running down Hunters Point and 30th street
3) Possible sightings in Riverside park on Wednesday. One tip was that she was on a rope leash with a guy who was carrying a red flag.
She is familiar with the UWS and Riverside Park area so if she is trying to make her way back, she will be in these areas.
PLEASE if you think you see her:
1) Take a picture or videos ASAP so we know where to focus our efforts. There are so many brown dogs out there. Focus on her features. Her tail can be curled up or down. I’m posting more pictures. That’s why we NEED pictures
2) Call 917-620-8602
3) DO NOT CHASE HER. She is very fast and will run into traffic. She was recently rescued and was just starting to trust people. Likes females more than males. She LOVES DOGS. She may be more likely to come up to people with dogs.
WHAT TO DO: Offer your hand or food. Unfortunately Indie wasn’t treat motivated. She responds more to slow calm movements. Have your dog approach her and take your time to try and get your leash attached to her.
RED COLLAR: At this point I don’t know if she still has her red collar on. This collar has my phone number and her microchip number on it. Worst nightmare is that someone took her collar off the has claimed her since she is a very sweet dog. I’m praying this is not the case but not ruling it out.
INDIE’s HABITS: She will hid if she’s scared and she would curl up into the smallest ball. Look in grassy areas. She was afraid of children so most likely not in a playground but still look because they have water in them from the sprinklers. She may be in an abandoned area or in a park under a bench. I’m so worried because at this point I’ve had no definitive tips for her since Tuesday night so please look along the roads as she was bolting across streetsÂ

WHAT YOU CAN DO: Help me post flyers, spread the word, does anyone have a media contact, contact your dog walkers and spread her story. Pray. She’s a very loved dog.
Coordinate search groups with your friends outside. I need help in lower Manhattan and East Side parks.
We spent all day yesterday in LIC but this dog travels so I’m not ruling out far places. Wouldn’t be surprised if she was in Brooklyn. At this point she is very hungry and lonely and will approach someone.
DETAILS: ACC has her report, she is microchipped, I’m calling a tracker today, vets are aware.
Thank you to everyone for your support. I’ve lived in the city for 11 years and the help I’m getting with finding my dog is heart warming. Let’s find her!!
Thank you for putting the word out about Indie. I am not the owner, but I appreciate it so much, and hope this helps Indie get back home.
The owner got a tip that Indie may have been since near Hunter’s Point in Long Island City, so she has organized a search there for this morning. This is a possible tip, but not definite, so still please keep a look out on the UWS. Indie could be anywhere.
Here is the information if you are able to search for her in LIC this morning. If you are unable to get to LIC but still want to help, posting flyers around the city can help as well. Anything to help bring Indie home is appreciated.
You can print out the flyers at Fedex. She provided a code at the bottom of her update:
“We need help posting flyers and asking people in the area for ANY tips of her location. (Uber /Lyft drivers, workers in the area, etc) A dog running through a tunnel and then the streets is an unusual scene. If you can help it will be greatly appreciated.
The owner and volunteers will meet at:
Doughnut Plant
3100 47th Ave, Queens, NY 11101
Sunday June 13th at 11am and will leave by 1130am.
If this timeframe does not work for you, feel free to canvas the area anytime.
Please bring tape. Flyers will be available but you can preprint your own by going to:
FedEx print and go and type in the retrieval code: 40867A3”
Thank you for your help. It is so appreciated.
Thank you so much for sharing!! Appreciated it!!
Update: Monday morning 6/14/2021
Indie is still missing. They think she may have run through the Midtown Tunnel to Queens because there were reports of a dog that may have looked like her bolting through the tunnel.
The owner does not have access to the video, and we don’t know how to get it. A lawyer may be able to help. The owner has a dog tracker ready to help her find Indie, but in order for the dog tracker to start she needs video confirmation that Indie was the dog running through the tunnel.
This is the number one issue at this moment. We could use help and/or advice on how to get a copy of the video – just to confirm it was Indie.
If you are able to help with this situation, please call 917-620-8602.
Any help would be so appreciated. The owner is so worried about her dog.
Thank you for anything you can do.
I’m so glad to see Westside Rag doing this.
This is a sad story. But I have one question which stands out. How can an owner of a dog not know it’s gender?
The dog is a girl. The flyer may have been made by someone else or sometimes will be intentionally left off so no one mistakes the gender of a dog they may see off in the distance that could be the lost dog.
Indie is referred to throughout the article as a she.
Indie has been found! Confirmed on the Instagram page created to help find indie @indiecomehome. Such fantastic news!
I believe Indie was found just today (Tuesday 6/15)