An electric vehicle charging station in Seattle. Photo by Shannon Walker, City of Seattle.
Con Edison is planning to add three curbside electric vehicle charging stations on the Upper West Side, and will present its plans on Tuesday to a Community Board 7 committee.
There are already charging stations in the neighborhood, but many of them are inside parking garages. In addition, some are only available for one brand — several on the UWS are only for Teslas, for instance. The U.S. Department of Energy has a map of charging stations in each neighborhood. The new curbside charging stations would take up six parking spots.
“The chargers will be in place for four years as part of a demonstration project, which will include an evaluation,” the committee agenda says.
Electric vehicle charging stations are part of New York’s ambitious climate goals.
Con Edison is looking at five areas for potential spots to add the stations, according to the Community Board 7 Transportation committee.
ON | TO | FROM |
W. 93rd Street | Central Park West | Columbus Avenue |
West End Ave (east side curb) | W. 66th Street | W. 70th Street |
Amsterdam Avenue (east side curb) | W. 66th Street | W. 67th Street |
W. 86th Street | West End Ave | Riverside Drive |
W. 64th Street | Amsterdam Avenue | West End Ave |
The meeting will take place on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at 250 West 87th Street. The items below are also on the agenda.
2. 241 Central Park West (West 84th Street.) Request by 239 Central Park West Corporation to the Department of Transportation to designate a “Loading Zone” extending from the proposed new entrance on West 84th Street to the corner of Central Park West.
3. Secondary Street Renaming, Felipe de Jesus Bulit. Request by Tara to name secondarily the southwest corner of West 80th and Amsterdam in honor of Felipe de Jesus Bulit.
4. Secondary Street Renaming, “Samantha Friedman Way.” Request by P.S. 333, Manhattan School for Children, to name secondarily northeast corner of West 93rd Street between Columbus Avenue or Amsterdam Avenue in honor of the late teacher, Samantha Friedman.
5. Review of F2021 DNS and budget priorities.
This is welcome news. I have a Prius Plug-in that is difficult to charge because the private garages either don’t want them or price them at a level that makes it impractical to bother with.
A thought: Shouldn’t the stations be on or at least around the corner from commercial streets? You’re going to plug in and sit for an hour, or are you going to plug in and duck over to a store for a cup of coffee?
Some of these listed places are blocks from where they logically should be.
Some charging stations are obviously needed but how many?
However, shouldn’t there be some study Justifying the number?
Three potential locations in the W 60s and nothing above 96th Street? That is ridiculous.
12 street parking spots on West End and Amsterdam to be lost to a four year experiment?
Quik Park will be delighted: No place for out of town fa,mily visitors to park except for those monopolistic garages. Ah, progress. Be careful what you wish for.
How is the 1 hour parking limit going to be enforced?
I can see someone charging there for an hour and then using that 1 hour of electricity to cruise around the neighborhood looking for a free parking space.
How much more parking real estate is the UWS expected to give up?? Gives a break CB 7, represent us for a change.
Q. Do we need more stuff to clutter sidewalks? Between the phone kiosks, the garbage containers, the bike racks, the mailboxes, etc. I wish we had a working Mayor and competent urban planners to think before ceaseless doing and mess-making! Oy vey!
Does a car owner pay for the charging? Parking questions aside, If not, it’s the same as giving drivers free gas. Doesn’t make sense in the long term.
It’s hard to imagine that Con Ed would do this as charity.
“Here, Tesla owner, take some electricity for free!” just doesn’t sound right. Rest assured, there’ll be a slot for the credit card.
Unless DOT takes those parking spots away also.
I’d say most spots are already given away and it’s about time that public land is able to be used by more people.
How will the electronic charging stations make the land used by more people? It will be a different set of people than would have parked there but not more.
Considering that most of the locations are not currently metered, more people will be able to use these spots throughout the day instead of one person.
I’m fully supportive of the city encouraging electric vehicles and this is a good way to do that.
Amsterdam Ave between 66 and 67 is already down to two lanes for almost half the block and one when trucks stopped – there are deliveries at night – this is not the block for charging stations.
It isn’t just nighttime that trucks stop. We won’t stop people from moving in and out of getting new furniture delivered so there will always be some amount of trucks parked by the apartment building in the corner. With charging stations there their only option will be to double park so Amsterdam will be down to one lane.
I’m not clear on why the DOT is changing that corner to 2 driving lanes. Is anyone?
Ay yi yi!!!
A city of clutter.
1) And you think they won’t be use by spectrum, UPS etc as a parking spot when they are making delivers?
2) Since this is in a historic district, where and when was the “street furniture” environmental impact study. If you want to put a bike rack on the sidewalk in front of your building you need to do this and other things, so where’s the paperwork on this???
3) Who is going to pay for the electricality the private car owners use from this service? How will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of these sites.
We as rate payers should no be subsidizing this private use
4) Will there be any advertising, for con ed or otherwise? Will there be any lights and/or sounds from the kiosks
We have three plus major schools, city buses and a fire department on 66th and 67 and Amsterdam. This is a poor choice for this charging station. Heavily used residential area and Lincoln center. We don’t need additional disruption. P.S. con Ed can’t get their service correct in our neighborhood to boot!
Hope there is a large fee to park and charge so my property tax’s do not have to pay for this. There should be no free parking in NYC period.