Won’t you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?
Sure, once you get out of the 1 train at 66th, take a left out of the station and walk south past Alice Tully Hall. When you get to 63rd look up and say hey to Big Bird.
On Wednesday, the 50th anniversary of the show, the city unveiled an official sign naming 63rd and Broadway “Sesame Street”. The location is right next to Sesame Workshop.
See a video of the ceremony below:
Love this!!
Based on the constant complaining I see on some of the threads here, I think Oscar the Grouch feels very at home in this neighborhood!
We call them opinions. Authentic to the UWS.
LOL! Grouches are a part of the personality of the UWS!:-)
My wife met Big Bird on the unemployment line.
I live on this street, what a waste of tax payer money. Bet the sign and instillation cost thousands. The guys they had on the street the night before guarding the cones was another cost to tax payers. The 1% folks at sesame street should receive a bill.
It’s okay, John. We’re going to get through this.
Hang in there.
Spinney’s net worth over 8 Million
John – seems like Oscar has some grouch company, as you are probably the only one that feels this way. Sesame Street and its success are a historical moment for television and education. The amount of good it did for people around the world over the past 50 years is staggering. I ( countless others) have fond memories of watching it with my parents, and then watching it with my own children. I know they will have and pass on those very memories.
As NYers we are truly blessed that Sesame Street has been an integral piece of our city. (Insane Times Square Elmos aside).
I read that the set was modeled after certain buildings on 112th between Broadway & Amsterdam.
I lived on that block in the early ’70s.
I was on Sesame Street back in the 70s and the film studio was located on 81st and Broadway, Reeves teletape studios.
That Reeves Teletape studio was the site of my first TV job in the mid 1980s: Search for Tomorrow! What a wonderful, cavernous and magical place it was. Even though it’s Staples & apartment building now, I love that the Broadway facade is pretty much the way I recall from my salad days and that I’ve come “full circle” back to the UWS.
50 years ago I was a semi-young IATSE Local 1 stagehand. And I was lucky enough to work at the Tele-Tape TV studio on the corner of 81st st. and Broadway. That space is now occupied by an apartment building and Starbucks(no surprise there.) It was there for 2 years that Sesame Street first made it’s appearance to the world. It was a concept that continues to work. What a break for me to have been a part of that great experimental time and to have my now 50 year of son born the day they landed on the moon.
Mayor Debozo finally meets his idol Big Bird
Trump wants to cancel Sesame St.
Trump is threatened by literacy.
They would like to limit federal funding to PBS. The goal is total member support and local.