A new Italian restaurant has opened as a boutique closes and a nonprofit for the blind moves to a new space.
Tartina, a new Italian restaurant, has just opened on 111th and Amsterdam, the former home of Columbia Cottage. It’s the reincarnation of a restaurant by the same name that was located in Hell’s Kitchen. The menu for the old location has traditional Italian plates. Thanks to Colleen and others for the tips.
Mandee, a boutique on Broadway and 96th, has been having a going-out-of-business sale. Thanks to Paul and Rob for the tips and photos.
Successful Vision has opened a new eyeglass store at 252 West 79th Street with optometry services. “They have a wonderful selection of hip as well as traditional adult and children’s glasses,” writes Kim, who sent the photo.
The Flywheel stationery bicycle studio will move from its location at 83rd and Columbus Avenue on November 13 to a new temporary spot at 2130 Broadway, between 74th and 75th. They’re looking for a more permanent home in the neighborhood.
The Compass real estate brokerage firm has opened a new office at 2150 Broadway (76th Street), on the second floor of the Laureate.
Lighthouse Guild, which serves the blind, moved into a new space at 250 West 64th Street (West End Avenue) from 15 West 65th Street. It has specialized rooms for medical appointments, classes and other services.
A hair salon called Masa Kanai is getting set to open on Columbus and 88th Street. Thanks to Kevin for the photo.
And Absolute Bagels at 108th and Broadway is back open, after getting closed by the Health Department for a variety of violations, including evidence of mice and flies. Several readers tell us they’re racing back to get bagels. The Health Department had not posted the updated health score as of Thursday morning. Thanks to Matt, Michael and Sari for the tips and photos.
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Does anyone know what is to be built on the huge space where the Guild for the Blind and the former Post Office on 66th st (behind the Guild building) is being demolished? Is this worth an article?
Keep in mind Chase branch and Mandy space
Would be temp as branch is expected to move back into new building
That’s a bit more everything than I really want on my everything bagel.
I don’t know how they will make it. They are less than a block away from the Great V&T’s Italian restaurant, which has been open since 1949 and is still family run. It is neighborhood staple as will as being known to generations of Juilliard ( when it was up here), Columbia and Barnard students. You get huge amounts of fresh food made to order only when you order it. Not prepped in advance food from an outside source. The prices are great, they want to make their $$$ on repeat biz, not just soak you.
It’s amazing that Mandee was able to stay open as long as they did.
Mandee would be a good temporary solution for Chase Bank across the street when they get kicked out for the new building
A Manager from Chase confirmed they are moving into the Mandys space
I believe another very tall high riser will be buiilt at the old Guild space.
Does anyone know when Masa Kanai is slated to open? I’ve been checking on it as recently as today 11/2/17 and it looks as though no progress is being made towards opening in the near future. I can’t get any info from their website either.
Restaurant called Lucciano looks to be opening on NE corner of Amsterdam and 90th st.
Do you have to be successful as in I make a good living in order to buy eyeglasses there?
Lol. No we hope to be Successful. We are here to serve the community. If anyone needs repairs, adjustments or just general optical info as well as full eye examinations we are here. Hope to live up to our name. Thanks Sean. I got a good laugh from your comment.
I wouldn’t call Mandee a “boutique” store. It’s a chain straight from the suburbs where teenagers go to get dresses for sweet 16s. No judgement, just thought it was funny to see it described that way.
Flies ? I thought those were Poppy Seeds ?