Three restaurants on Amsterdam Avenue between 79th and 80th Streets that were fully or partially closed for months because of a gas leak in the building have finally reopened, while one remains closed.
Italian restaurant Pretto on the corner of 80th was only fully closed for 8 days after the late January leak, and then went on a modified menu until a few weeks ago, an employee told us. Indian restaurant Saravanaa Bhavan reopened about a month ago, an employee said.
Indian restaurant Swagat was closed for months, but reopened a few weeks ago, according to owner Lala Sharma. The restaurant is still trying to get customers back, in part because Google continues to show them as closed:
Sharma said he hasn’t been able to get Google’s error remedied.
But T&R Pizza remains closed with a sign on the door. No one has been picking up the phone when we call.
Last I heard (from the cleaners next door) T&R has decided to upgrade their kitchen and renovate their premises. They are hoping to be open and running by mid-summer and in time for the school season.
it doesn’t bode well for a restaurant to say they have “a gas problem”
man, take an ant acid and reopen the place!!
I love Swagat! They were open in February, so how many months were they actually closed?
Don’t know whether it actually works, but there’s a place on Google to report if a restaurant listed as closed is actually open.
There’s a down arrow next to the words “permanently closed”. Click it, and then click “report”.
I like Swagat, and hope they get the error corrected on the web.
Thanks, Leda, I just did this. Perhaps if many people notify them, Google will make the change.
T&R has been there for many, many years. Before the gas leak it appeared that they were experiencing real competition from Saba Pizza which opened on the same block relatively recently. I wonder if they have decided to move on.
I love Swagat. I mainly order for delivery but the few times I have eaten there the staff has seemed very nice. Everyone should rally to help this neighborhood restaurant – trust me, you won’t regret it!
I am also a fan of the pizza place and hope they rebound as well.