The state capitol building in Albany. Photo via wikimedia.
Many New Yorkers spoke up about the nomination of Betsy DeVos to be Education Secretary, calling their U.S. senators and writing letters. And while the federal government may play an important role in education policy and funding, the state is arguably much more significant.
Wondering why there are 32 kids in your kids’ second grade class? Why Upper West Siders have to hold fundraisers for basic amenities for public school kids?
One reason is that the state isn’t adhering to a court ruling that demands that public schools in the city get more money to reduce class sizes. And school funding is being debated as we speak in Albany. The Alliance for Quality Education has more on this, and says city schools are still owed $3.9 billion. And we’ve written about the impact from a group of Democrats called the IDC that has aligned with Republicans.
They’re also debating issues like whether to protect funding for Planned Parenthood and expand rights for transgender people.
Look up your state senator here and give them a call if you’re interested.
Bill Perkins seat in the 30th is empty. :-/
The special election for that seat is on May 23, 2017.
NYS Senate Calendar shows the next session after the election will be in June.
I’d love to give my state senator a call, but alas, yes, the 30th State Senate district seat is vacant. Senator Perkins ran for Councilmember Dickens’ seat vacated when she ran for State Assemblymember Wright’s seat. Both Dickens and Perkins left their districts unrepresented when they won other electoral contests. This is not fair to residents in these districts.
The 10th district Council seat was filled in a February special election. The 30th’s district residents continue without state senate representation today.( There is a special election on May 23 for the seat. ) Senator Perkins might have helped citizen interests in this budget cycle, particularly in support of the education funding referred to above.
Question: Should electeds fill out their existing electoral contract before pursuing another opportunity?
This fall, NYS registered voters can decide to convene a NY state constitutional convention. We can keep track of suggestions for a 2019 drafted state constitution, then make sure to get them to our state legislators.
May all districts have elected representatives by then!
( Thank you, West Side Rag, for providing a place to express that. )
The ethical thing to do would be to finish the elected term. Without a really good reason, I wouldn’t vote for a candidate that has left office early.
“This is not fair to residents in these districts.”
Hey, it could be worse. You could be in the district attributed to Marisol Alcantara, who doesn’t represent anyone. We don’t get to vote for someone new until the next regular election.
Can Marisol Alcantara be recalled?
No, there is no mechanism to recall an elected official in New York State. We’ve seen many step down after they’ve been indicted for criminal acts.
There are alternative candidates that can be elected for office.