A man making anti-gay statements stabbed another man as they got off the 1 train on Saturday night, according to police, who are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.
Around 6:50 p.m. on Saturday, a 29-year-old man was riding Northbound on the 1 when another man began staring at him and making anti-gay statements, he told police. The two men began to fight, and exited the train at 110th, where the perpetrator hit the man in the chest and upper back with an object. The victim began to bleed and chased the perpetrator as he exited the station. They tussled more on the sidewalk, until the perp fled east on 110th.
The perpetrator is described as an Hispanic man in his 20’s with short black hair and a light complexion, standing 6’0″ to 6’2″, about 150 pounds, with a thin build. He was wearing a white shirt, khakis, and black sneakers, the spokesman said.
The cuts broke the victim’s skin, but were described by police as “superficial wounds.” He was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital.
It is under investigation as a possible hate crime.
State assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell, who lives nearby sent out a statement about the attack.
“It’s a shock to the senses when attacks like these happen in our state. We often take pride in the progressive and inclusive framework of protections that we have built to guard all members of our community from violence like this – but attacks like these are grim reminders of how much work still needs to be done.
“I have faith that this attack will be investigated fully by the NYPD and I hope that justice is reached quickly. This incident happened close to home for me, but across the country, divisive and hateful rhetoric is inspiring violence in a very dangerous way. I am recommitting myself to promoting a campaign called ‘#StopTheHate’, which focuses on discouraging hate speech and putting a stop to hate violence.”
Photo via Wikipedia.
Shocking and horrible. Thank you Assembly Member O’Donnell for taking the initiative to raise the consciousness against hate crimes. Also, for pointing out that in this political climate where Trump and the Republicans are spewing hatred everywhere, we have to be even more outspoken.
I can’t wait to nullify your vote
Amazing that in 2016 we still have this type of blatant hate. Thx Danny for standing up.
I have lived on just below 110th Street for 16+ years, in the vicinity of Amsterdam/Columbus, and the number of times I have been called “mericon” and other slurs… well, I have lost count. There is still an issue with this kind of prejudice, unfortunately. It’s easy to forget this, in an era when you see many more gay people in entertainment, media, etc. It’s certainly gotten better, but incidents like this serve as a reminder.
Proud to share a name.
P.S. ‘Always feel braver knowing how Daniel made out in the lions’ den.
The blame lies squarely on DeBlasio. The mayor is running the city and is responsible for the police. When the police don’t feel the mayor has their backs, the entire city suffers. The evil man who did this crime correctly surmised there were no undercover cops on the train or in the station and he could do this deed and get away with it. He calculated correctly. There is so much “slippage” in the quality of life in the northern reaches of the UWS since that corrupt incompetent slithered out of Brooklyn and won the office of the mayor. Right now I feel the safety levels in our neighborhood are back in the early years of Giuliani … soon I fear we will be reliving the worst days of the Beame years.
Disagree, well in at least that de Blasio is to blame.
Gays and transgenders have made remarkable gains in the past twelve years, but sadly some people just didn’t read the memo.
In the past outside of a few areas of Manhattan (West Village, Chelsea, parts of the UWS) being outwardly LGBT could get you into serious trouble. Today’s younger generation of LGBT just don’t feel that need to “hide” once outside of various “safe” areas.
The fact the “victim” gave as good as he got proves he was going to stand his ground.
You can’t put NYPD on every subway train/platform.
The attacker having suffered a whopping maybe will learn next time to keep his comments to himself.
“It’s a shock to the senses when attacks like these happen in our state. We often take pride in the progressive and inclusive framework of protections that we have built to guard all members of our community from violence like this”
This isn’t a one time incident in NYC so I’m really put off by this statement that it’s a shock to the senses when it happens in our state. Sounds like a scripted response to me.
Video footage of suspect released:
Hmm, I wonder what Assemblyperson* O’Donnel might have been referring-to.
Perhaps to the ongoing, hateful anti-Police and anti-White rhetoric spewed by the likes of the Soros-funded Black Lives Matter agitators? Such incitement is clearly complicit in the recent spate of massacres that have claimed the lives of a shocking number of police and other law enforcement agents.
Or maybe the Honorable Assemblyperson* was referring-to the violence that’s been fomented and committed against Trump supporters.
2.) Assuming the incident occurred as reported here, the only crime here, at least as far as the Law is concerned, was the physical assault. That should be the same crime irrespective of whether or not the assailant also verbally insulted the victim and the nature of any such insult. The concept of “hate crime” amounts-to criminalizing speech and even thought. The First Amendment means nothing if it does not protect speech that is deemed hateful and repugnant. No one objects-to speech that they find agreeable.
If the good Assemblyman meant neither of the above with his statement, then just what was he referring-to? What other examples are there of violence “across the country” that has been inspired by “divisive and hateful rhetoric” (“in a very dangerous way”, no less)?
*Note that WSR actually wrote, “State assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell” (!). WSR, {in the voice of a whiny millenial Social Justice Warrior} “It’s 2016, man! We’ve long-ditched such cis-hetero-sexist, misogynist words as ‘assemblyman’. The correct, approved term is the gender-neutral ‘assemblyperson.” (‘assemblymember‘ could be a ‘microaggression’ against transgender individuals.) I suggest you hurry-up and get with the program or you might find yourselves charged with a “microaggression”.
NB: The second-to-last paragraph in my above post was meant to appear at the end of what I numbered “1.)”, just before I began “2.)”.
Trouble staying on topic?
You must know that the article was NOT about Soros, Black Lives Matter, or Trump. Or do you?
And violent crimes ARE categorized differently.Do you prefer that a verbal threat against an individual be treated identically to a threat of violence against our President?
Perhaps you do.
What about all the anti white heterosexual crimes? Only 1% get media attention. They don’t count? They hardly have a constituency.
Whites are projected to become a minority before much longer. Perhaps, at some point after after that happens, we will become the next group to be sacralized.
I have bad news for you. Whites are not becoming a minority. Blacks are becoming a smaller and smaller minority in America. The Latinos and Asians are “white” in their mentality (hard work, strong family, and disgust with welfare), and develop strong cultural identity as Americans after one generation. Most American Latino immigrants are “white” for your information.
‘Sounds like slavery really had a lasting effect.
Nativist philosophy?
Read the newspaper to see the “media attention” firsthand.