Following two robberies in Central Park, police officers on Central Park’s loop road were handing out pieces of paper on Thursday with info on how to stay safe in the park. Thanks to Joel Reamer for sending in the images below.
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I like the ‘carry a flashlight’. Maybe a 4 ‘D’ cell Maglite?
Watch out for young Norwegian Americans who make up 99% of the muggers.
Whoever drew that cartoon has done a great job of channeling Gluyas Williams.
Is this a joke? This looks like it comes straight out of 1950.
Aw. Look at all the happy white heterosexual skinny people enjoying the park…
They make an alternative version and hand it out in the ramble. It’s not appropriate to post it on this blog.
I am amazed at the boldness of tourists/residents that venture into the park at 10:30pm. Not to blame the victim of course in the garden of eden you should b able to visit at anytime of day, but people need to use a little sense and realize no your not invulnerable and you can be an easy target in the middle of a dark park well after dark.
John and others, some of the muggings have also been in earlier hours and in well lit areas. A teenager was mugged near strawberry fields this summer and a couple was attacked in Central Park South, one of the busiest sections of the park, by a group of people in the earlier part of the evening.
Nice list, but someone at the Precinct House was asleep.
The list should have headlined: Stay out of the Park after dark – unless for a special event with lots of people!
The park is safe after dark for certain activities, and in certain areas. I run after dark around the reservoir and have for years. In the summer, I’ve gone running as late as 11pm (when temps are in the 90s during the day). Knock on wood, but no problems so far. I’m vigilant, and only ever have an old iPod (worth maybe $30 these days) and my ID on me when I run.
More proof that there aren’t any NYers left in Manhattan….
I’m surprised to see all these people say no one walks in the park after dark. I have dogs, and I walk regularly at 10 or 11 at night. No problems, and usually lots of people doing the same thing!
If anything, the dog community has made the parks safer with the off leash rules relaxing at 9 PM.
Also… Don’t walk and hang out in park at ungodly hours!