Police say the man above wearing an Angry Birds hat walked into the Chase Bank at 86th street between Columbus and on Saturday around 2:15 p.m. and demanded money. “The thief, who made off with an undetermined amount of money, is in his 40s and 5-foot-10, officials said,” the Post reported.
Another man is wanted for robbing the Capital One bank at 87th and Broadway last Wednesday at 12:10 a.m. by literally taking the front doors off of the bank. “Once inside, he tried to get cash out of a drawer, but failed, cops said. The man was wearing a black T-shirt, khaki shorts, and black and white sneakers, and was carrying a black book bag.”
If this individual is talented enough to remove the front doors of a bank undetected, there must be a few regular jobs he can get, no?
Yet another sign this city is spiraling downward. This cannot continue – where are the cops walking the beat??????????
I know, I also long for those days when banks were never robbed. Wait a minute… when was that?
Our lovely mayor has castrated the police force. They are wiser to let the criminal escape. If they actually detain him, they could face an investigation and time off without pay. Perhaps the police should be advised to congratulate them and give them a bouquet .
Stop! The police can do their jobs. They just refuse to do so.
And on exactly WHAT real evidence do you make this outlandish assertion (HARD EVIDENCE, PLEASE, NOT SOME FANTASY!)
Exactly how many police officers do you know and HOW are they not doing their jobs?
And HOW are their sergeants allowing this to happen WITHOUT being held accountable themselves?
Unless you can supply FACTS and not fantasy you have NO RIGHT denigrating an entire group of dedicated public employees.
Would YOU have run into the burning Towers on 9/11 as so many cops did, never to return?
Probably NOT!
Here’s an idea, H and ScooterStan: A bank robbery isn’t the result of either an evil sociopath mayor OR an evil sociopath police force. In fact, bank robberies have happened under every mayor, and every police force. Crazy, I know, but true.
Touch a nerve did I? Police officers already showed their true colors when they executed a work stoppage when they threw a hissy fit over comments the mayor made about how he speaks to his own son. And FYI I am related to and know quite a few police officers. And stop with the 9/11 references. Everyone uses that same cliche argument about 9/11. It was there job to do what they did! That means they get paid to do that.
One thing’s for sure, I would not choke an unarmed man to death over a cigarette as he begged for his life in broad daylight. Certainly if I were an officer I also would not stay silent as my fellow officers repeatedly treat people like trash and do things like wave to the camera after callously murdering an unarmed civilian. The blue wall of silence needs to end because it keeps real police officers from being the heroes they need to be. But that’s not the world we live in. In this world cops are trained to cover their asses the second they join the academy. The proof is always in the precinct, go to theerant.com for better insight into the minds of courteous and professional officers. As tragic as 9/11 was it does not excuse reprehensible behavior by NYPD officers when dealing with civilians, I’m sorry.
So where was the camera to film the guy removing the doors?
Perhaps bank security practices have changed but I spent some time working in branch banking many years ago and when the bank was closed, all teller cash and negotiable items (cashier’s checks, money orders and those ancient things called traveler’s checks, etc) were locked in the vault until the next business day. I can’t imagine trying to rob a bank at night would be anything but a waste of time.
Somebody else took it.
Haha! That’s funny!
It’s sad but true.. The old bank caper is a thing of the past. You can;t pull a bank job anymore with all the cameras at the banks as well as on the mobile phones of somany bystanders.
Reminds me of Fleet Week.. The sailors come to NYC now and the only trouble they can find is a Lion King matinee or perhapsa rowdy Chiptolte shop.. No more funny business .. The world is watching
That IS bizarre. Angry Birds is so over.
Can someone explain to me why bank tellers behind inaccessible bulletproof glass consistently hand over $ to bankrobbers? Thank you.
Afaik, the amount of cash held in bank branches is relatively small, so the most a robber can make off with is a few thousand dollars. That amount is fully covered by insurance, so the tellers are instructed to just hand over the money to reduce the chance of harm coming to anyone.
Probably because the trainers who told them the glass is bullet-proof were speaking to them from *outside* the counter, so the tellers inside had no idea what they were saying.
Perhaps for the safety of those not behind the bulletproof glass? It reduces the chance of other customers or employees being hurt or being taken hostage.
Has anyone watched the movie “The Prisoner On Second Avenue” with Jack Lemmon and Anne Bancroft?? It’s hilarious and sooo New York in the 70’s as well as today! Such great lines!… “Where you gonna get the watah?” Lol!
What comes around goes around!
Watched “Prisoner” this weekend. It’s somewhat painful humor. It inspired me to watch “The Sunshine Boys” again.
“Sunshine” is hilarious (filmed in the Ansonia, incidentally) and even more side-splitting now that I’m older.
It’s free on YouTube.
Thanks for the memory.
It’s available on YouTube for $2.99.
I’ll watch it this weekend.
The cops are not doing much anymore. They are afraid to arrest and accidently hurt any prisoner. Almost everytime they arrest somebody they are getting sued.
The policemen have been demonized, disrespected and emasculated by the leftists (in alliance with the major criminal drug dealers.) We have the vision of the dying city right in front of our eyes.