Does the man make the clothes or the clothes make the man?
The Bard Graduate Center is exploring this question and hope you can join them for an evening of presentation and exchange. Costume curators Kate Irvin and Laurie Anne Brewer take us back to the days of King George III and the world of English elegance and extravagance. The fascinating world of the early modern dandy is revealed through extreme transformations of form, fashion, and of the male silhouette.
Fabricating a Dream: The Dandy’s Silhouette
Thursday, May 21, 2015
6 pm reception
6:30 pm presentation and discussion
Bard Graduate Center
38 West 86th St.
New York, NY 10024
(212) 501-3011
$25.00 General Admission
$20.00 Seniors
FREE for students with valid ID
Held in conjunction with the exhibition Fashioning the Body: An Intimate History of the Silhouetteon view through July 26.