The full community board is set to met on Tuesday night, and they’re planning to discuss several items we’ve written about it in recent months, including an application by the Manhattan Country Day School to add another story, the renaming of part of 103rd street after Norman Rockwell, and another permit for the historic church on 96th street and Central Park West that’s being turned into condos.
Also on the agenda: sidewalk cafes for Maison Kayser on 76th and Broadway and the soon-to-open Risoterria on 78th and Amsterdam. And Han Dynasty and Hummus Kitchen are applying for liquor licenses.
See the full agenda below:
Tuesday, May 5, 2015 6:30 PM
Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital
1000 Tenth Avenue (West 59th Street)
Agenda Subject to Change
Approval of minutes from previous full board meeting
Chair’s Report, Elizabeth Caputo
Community Session – We welcome all members of our community (residents, businesses, CBOs) who would like to speak on issues of interest to them. Please limit remarks to one minute and, if possible, provide a written copy for the record.
Manhattan Borough President’s Report, Diana Howard
Reports by Legislators
Reports by Elected Officials’ Representatives (One-minute remarks, tentative)
Business Session
Transportation Committee
Andrew Albert and Dan Zweig, Co-Chairpersons
Resolutions Re:
1. Broadway and West 103rd Street. Request by the Edward J. Reynolds School to name secondarily the Southeast corner of Broadway and West 103rd Street “Norman Rockwell Place.”
2. Manhattanhenge. Application to the Mayor’s Street Activity Permit Office of street closure of West 79th Street, Columbus-Amsterdam Avenues) for the Manhattanhenge event on Monday, July 13th, 2015.
3. School crossing guards.
4. Newsstand on S/W/C Columbus Avenue and West 93rd Street (IFO. 100 West 93rd Street). New application # 4153-2015-ANWS to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Mohammed F.Uddin to construct and operate a newsstand on the southwest corner of Columbus Avenue and West 93rd Street, in front of 100 West 93rd Street.
Land Use Committee
Richard Asche and Page Cowley, Co-Chairpersons
Resolutions Re:
5. 361 Central Park West (One West 96th Street.) Application to the Board of Standards & Appeals by 361 Central Park West LLC, for the conversion of a vacant, six-story landmarked community facility (former First Church of Christ, Scientist) into a 39-unit residential building, which requires waivers of required rear yards, minimum dimensions of inner courts), minimum distance between legally required windows and walls or lot lines) and minimum distance between legally required windows and any wall in an inner court, as well as waivers of §§ 30-2 and 30-3 of the Multiple Dwelling Law.
6. 150 West 85th Street, Manhattan Country School (Columbus-Amsterdam Avenues.) Application #1-15-BZ to the Board of Standards & Appeals by Manhattan Country Day School for a variance to allow additional floor area and a vertical extension in order to meet programmatic needs of the school.
Parks & Environment Committee
Klari Neuwelt, Chairperson
Resolutions Re:
7. Riverside Park. Parsons School of Design final work at the 102nd Street field house.
8. Broadway Mall Association’s public art exhibition of 6 metal sculptures for the exhibition Don Gummer on Broadway (May-October) at Columbus Circle (2 sculptures); 65th Street & Broadway; 72nd Street & Broadway (south of subway station); 96th Street & Broadway; 103rd Street & Broadway.
9. Riverside Park South. Art Students’ League’s Riverside Park South proposals.
Preservation Committee
Jay Adolf and Gabrielle Palitz, Co-Chairpersons
Resolutions Re:
10. 341 Columbus Avenue (West 76th – 77th Streets.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for a new storefront.
11. 310 West 88th Street (Riverside Drive – West End Avenue.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for two rear horizontal additions and a rooftop addition.
12. 316 West 88th Street (Riverside Drive – West End Avenue.) Application #16-2993 to the Landmarks Preservation Commission to construct rooftop and rear yard additions, reconstruct a missing stoop, and excavate the areaway.
Business & Consumer Issues Committee
Michele Parker and George Zeppenfeldt-Cestero, Co-Chairpersons
Resolutions Re:
13. Applications to the SLA for two-year liquor licenses:
- 416 Amsterdam Avenue (West 80th Street.) LWB Hospitality Group LLC, d/b/a Hummus Kitchen.
- 215 West 85th Street (Broadway.) Han Dynasty Upper West Side Corp., d/b/a Han Dynasty.
14. Postponed to June BCI: 982 Amsterdam Avenue (West 109th Street.) Amity Hall Uptown Inc., d/b/a Amity Hall.
Alteration application to the SLA for existing liquor license:
15. 100 Columbus Avenue, Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center Performing Arts and Restaurant Services I, LLC d/b/a Avery Fisher Hall
16. Unenclosed Café Renewal Applications:
- 384 Columbus Avenue (West 78th-79th Streets). Renewal application #1190075-DCA to the Department of Consumer Affairs by 384 Columbus Avenue Associates, LLC, d/b/a Ocean Grill, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 20 tables and 53 seats.
- 421 Amsterdam Avenue (West 80th Street.) Renewal application # 1472327-DCA to the Department of Consumer Affairs by B & G Restaurants, LLC, d/b/a Barley & Grain, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 18 tables and 36 seats.
- 2607 Broadway (West 98th – 99th Streets.) Renewal application # 1345744-DCA to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Workhorse Restaurant, Inc., d/b/a Regional, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 9 tables and 18 seats.
17. Enclosed Café Renewal Applications:
- 200 West 60th Street (Amsterdam Avenue.) Renewal application DCA #CA0984345/ ULURP# N130357ECM to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Heledona Inc., d/b/a Olympic Flame Diner, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 11 tables and 32 seats.
- 180 Columbus Avenue (West 68th Street.) Renewal Application DCA #CA0895625/ ULURP #N130297ECM to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Mafra Restaurant Corp., d/b/a II Violino, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 15 tables and 36 seats.
- 2061 Broadway (West 71st Street.)Renewal application # 1223566DCA /ULURP #N140423ECM to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Café 71, Inc. d/b/a Café 71, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 9 tables and 29 seats.
- 368 Columbus Avenue (West 77th – 78th Streets.) Renewal application DCA# CA1392090/ ULURP #N130381ECM to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Ixhel Corporation, d/b/a Café Frida, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 10 tables and 28 seats.
- 441 Amsterdam Avenue (West 81st Street.) Renewal application # 1283643DCA/ ULURP #N140421ECM to the Department of Consumer Affairs by JPS Ventures, Inc., d/b/a St. James Gate, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 5 tables and 16 seats.
- 477 Amsterdam Avenue (West 83rd Street.) Renewal application DCA #CA0885881/ ULURP #N130342 to the Department of Consumer Affairs by 83rd/Amsterdam Restaurant Corp. d/b/a Hi-Life Bar & Grill, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 6 tables and 16 seats.
18. 2290 Broadway (West 83rd Street.) Renewal application #1350796DCA/ ULURP #N140425ECM to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Corned Beef Express, LLC, d/b/a Artie’s Delicatessen, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 26 tables and 54 seats.
New Unenclosed Café Applications:
19. 375 Amsterdam Avenue (West 78th Street.) New application # 2621-2015-ASWC to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Risotteria West, LLC, d/b/a Risotteria, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 10 tables and 20 seats.
20. 2161 Broadway (West 76th – 77th Streets.) New application # 3356-2015-ASWC to the Department of Consumer Affairs by 2161 Broadway Bakery, LLC, d/b/a Maison Kayser, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 12 tables and 23 seats.
Enclosed Café – change of ownership
21. 53 West 72nd Street (Columbus Avenue.) New application # 459183DCA/ ULURP #N130253ECM to the Department of Consumer Affairs by 53 West 72nd Street Café, LLC, d/b/a Dakota Bar, for a four-year consent to operate an enclosed sidewalk café with 13 tables and 26 seats.
Steering Committee
Elizabeth Caputo, Chair
Resolution Re:
22. Requests for a leaves of absence.