A two car crash on 96th street between Riverside Drive and West End Avenue sent five people to the hospital on Sunday night around 7:15 p.m., according to the NYPD.
“The Driver of vehicle #1 (2015 Chevrolet) was on 96 street approaching the entrance to the Henry Hudson Parkway. Vehicle#2 (1999 Mercedes) was exiting the Mobil gas station in reverse and entered the path of the Chevrolet at which the collision occurred. There were five people transported to hospital that were occupants in the Mercedes vehicle with non-life threatening injuries. Both vehicles were towed from the scene.”
Christian sent in the photos above and below. A car door appears to have been ripped off of the vehicle, probably by firefighters attempting to get the person out.
On Saturday night around 10:20, a major crash shut down the Northbound lane of the Henry Hudson Parkway around 72nd street. A tipster sent in the photo below, where you can see one car flipped on its side. Scanner traffic indicated a tractor-trailer was overturned, but FDNY said it was a two-vehicle crash with one car turned onto its side; two people were injured and listed in serious but stable condition. (Tractor-trailers are not allowed on the parkway between 59th street and Westchester.)
This post has been updated to reflect new information from NYPD and FDNY.
Shocked there haven’t been accidents more often at that gas station. You have to back out completely blindly into traffic that just passed West End Ave with drivers thinking “finally” and gunning it to the on ramp. Rumor has it that gas station isn’t long for this world but if it’s sticking around, something should be done.
I got into an accident there once. Very dangerous gas station. They should have an attendant directing people, but of course they don’t.
Dangerous as that gas station is, there is no reason to back all the way into the street.
Also the last gas station on the UWS I believe.
There is a new one open on 131st and Broadway. A Shell station I believe. And of course, some on 11th Ave in the 40’s and 50’s and 50’s.
I frequent that gas station and never back out onto the street. There’s plenty of curb space to back out and do a 3-point turn so you enter the street head on. Also, I have seen the attendants directing traffic when it gets backed up, but I do agree that it would be helpful to have someone doing it all the time.
I got backed into while pulling into that horrible gas station. It’s worth driving to Yonkers to fill the tank. That place is bad news. Manhattan needs gas stations just not indoor ones 100 yards from an on-ramp to a highway.
It’s a miracle there aren’t crashes near that gas station every day. I live and drive in the neighborhood and there are CONSTANTLY cars backing up into traffic. They really need to do something about it.
I always go to the station at 125th just to avoid this one cause it’s so dangerous.
I was nearly sideswiped there once by a driver who was speeding, swerving around other cars, and overshot into the buffer next to the sidewalk. I’d love to see speed humps around every school, and the intersection of 96th and WEA especially, as part of Vision Zero. If any place needs something to calm speeders, the streets surrounding the on- and off-ramps to the West Side Highway do.