There have been a few recent break-ins in the neighborhood and one violent robbery; it’s not clear if they’re related.
Dunkin Donuts on 95th street and Columbus Avenue was broken into on Monday night or Tueaday morning, a tipster said. The window was smashed and no employees were inside on Tuesday morning. The 24th precinct told us: “We have surveillance video and other good leads. However, we are not ready to release images to the public.” The thief didn’t get away with much: “Made an attempt at cash register to no avail. Left with perishable items (food and coffee).”
A manager at the Boost Mobile cell phone store on 109th street and Columbus was tied up and hit with a pistol on Sunday, as first reported by DNAinfo. “The three suspects knocked on the front door and then forced their way into the store while flashing a handgun, according to police. One of the men stood guard in the front of the store, while the other two led the manager to the store’s back room, punched him in the face, pushed him to the ground and tied up his hands with tape, police said. One of the suspects struck the manager in the back of the head with the handgun, with the victim pleading, ‘please don’t kill me,’ recounted Capt. Marlon Larin of the 24th Precinct.” They stole $1,300 from the register, the manager’s Android cell phone, three iPhones, and a Macbook Pro laptop and charger.
“The suspects were described as in their 20s, standing between 5 foot 5 and 5 foot 8, and clad in dark knit hats and dark jackets, police said.”
KT Collection jewelers on Columbus Avenue and 75th street was burglarized sometime between Tuesday and Wednesday. The store’s window was busted, and jewelry was taken, the 20th precinct confirmed. “Male black seen by witness throwing a city garbage can through the window and taking some jewelry and running.” The suspect has not been caught.
There were several similar burglaries on Columbus in the 60’s and 70’s last year, but police apprehended a man they suspect was responsible for them a few weeks ago. The 20th precinct did not have details about that arrest.
If you know anything about these crimes, you can confidentially call 1-800-577-TIPS (8477), submit a tip via or text CRIMES (274637) and then enter TIP577.
it is amazing how since our wonderful new mayor stopped the “stop and frisk” law in new York there have been posts like this several times a weeks
Yes the cops could frisk them and recover a garbage can…
I would love you to get stopped and frisked and lets see if you will like it. That tactic is racist and mostly targets minorities.
If the shoe fits…
I’d say it’s often an unwarranted search and should be curtailed on those grounds. But it’s not racist. Unless you think we should base police work on politically correct ideals instead of statistical reality?
And the decline continues. When we have a mayor that is more interested in emasculating his police department rather than protecting his citizens, this is what we get. Bring back Stop & Frisk. And let our NYPD do its job.
I sure do hope you are right about the course we are on,Paul. Following your logic my kids could be able to afford to return to the neighborhood in which they grew up when real estate prices crash as the UWS returns to the state of nature that prevailed when they were born.
David, I remember those days. I lived in an awesome cheap fifth floor walk-up studio. But I didn’t like having to look over my shoulder on my way home. Perhaps your children won’t mind.
apparently you don’t follow the news. “Stop and Frisk” still exists as a police tactic, when their is actual cause. What was removed was mass racial profiling stop and frisk, where all young black and hispanic men in certain neighborhoods were stopped, with or without cause. that was ruled illegal and our great Mayor, who reduced crime by over 4% last year, did not appeal the ruling.
You all should know that they way crime is reported and/classified by folks at 1pp has changed
that is the way the city had an average drop,
but look at the types of crimes that are up and whatparts of the city they are in
“What was removed was mass racial profiling stop and frisk, where all young black and hispanic men in certain neighborhoods were stopped…”
That’s never what it was. Stop the lies.
a court of law, the statistics, and common knowledge in the Black and Hispanic communities know that this is EXACTLY what it was: racial profiling.
Bloomberg even tried to defend the racial profiling aspect of it.
From the article on Judge Scheindlin’s decision stopping the way the practice was being conducted:
“But the judge, Shira A. Scheindlin, found that the Police Department resorted to a “policy of indirect racial profiling” as it increased the number of stops in minority communities. That has led to officers’ routinely stopping “blacks and Hispanics who would not have been stopped if they were white.””
“I also conclude that the city’s highest officials have turned a blind eye to the evidence that officers are conducting stops in a racially discriminatory manner,” she wrote, citing statements that Mr. Bloomberg and the police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, have made in defending the policy.
… and none of this has any bearing on the main matter: that the “stop and frisk” policy, as practiced under Bloomberg, consisted in the main of racial profiling of young black and Hispanic males.
the onus is on those who want to re-institute that type of “stop and frisk.” since the police continue to “stop and frisk” under De Blasio and Bratton when there is reasonable cause, the question becomes: what, precisely, is it you want to bring back?
Scheindlin is an extremely distinguished judge. And the appeals court never accused her of “impropriety” but rather the “appearance” of partiality.
This article from the Georgetown Journal of Ethics takes the three judges to task for this extremely unusual, even bizarre decision:
Acting sua sponte and providing no reasoned explanation, the three judges dismissed Judge Scheindlin from presiding over the stop and frisk cases altogether, summarily concluding that she had “compromised” the “appearance of [im]partiality” surrounding the litigation. Two weeks later, after their order had been widely criticized, the three judges abruptly issued a new opinion casting aside the ostensible basis for their earlier decree in favor of other legal grounds. To support their decision, the three judges relied entirely upon extrajudicial information that — by their own acknowledgment — they “read [in] the newspapers.”
Throughout the stop and frisk litigation, New York City officials relentlessly attacked Judge Scheindlin in the media for her alleged “bias” against law enforcement, but declined to actually seek her recusal. By validating and giving effect to that campaign — based entirely on what they had read in the newspapers — Judges Cabranes, Walker, and Parker openly permitted the norms of contemporary political discourse embodied in those news stories to displace the norms of reasoned judicial decision making, and unnecessarily inserted themselves into the mayoral election campaign.
Whatever the precise reasons for the conduct of Judges Cabranes, Walker, and Parker, both due process and the quality of their adjudication suffered as a result. And ironically, the three judges also thereby failed to satisfy the very standards to which they sought to hold Judge Scheindlin. The procedurally irregular and substantively deficient nature of their adjudication gave more than ample cause for reasonable observers to question the three judges’ own impartiality and propriety, and undermined the decisional independence that trial judges must enjoy to render fair and impartial decisions that are seen as legitimate across the full spectrum of the public’s diverse litigants and communities.
The best you can do is quote the Judge that was kicked off the case for impropriety??
Yes it was. It was racial profiling that disregarded the rights of everyday people that proved to be wildly unsuccessful. 90% of the people frisked were found to be completely innocent and forced officers to meet unnecessary quotas. Fear tactics are no way to prevent crime I’m sorry.
Go ahead, Bruce, keep burying your nose in your “statistics” and excusing the criminals and rapists like you normally do, rather than actually understanding what’s going on around you. There’s no point in arguing with you on this.
Love the way you put statistics in quotes, like they don’t matter. If crime’s going down, or not rising, isn’t that kinda important? I know it goes against your whole “everything’s-falling-apart-under-DeBlasio” narrative, but statistics and facts matter.
In some neighborhoods where stop-and-frisk was most prevalent (brownsville, east ny, etc.), violent crime has gone up 50% since De Blasio took over. You have to disaggregate data for it to be meaningful.
Reports of crime going down has more to do with the city not making pot arrests anymore than anything.
@UWS-er, I trust my own eyes and experiences far more than what I read. And while “statistics” might be good for some general guidance or to support a debate, I don’t believe they tell the whole story. It’s easy for some people to blind themselves by waving around a sheet of paper and not see what’s happening right in front of them.
If the statistics supported the version of life in the city that YOU want to portray to those either unwilling or unable to seek out the truth for themselves, you would be champing at the bit to present them as evidence of the need for stop and frisk. Your agenda is not to spread truth, it is to spread fear.
well said, terri.
rapists! thugs!! murderers!! surrounding us on all sides.
your personal attacks aside, I simply am making the point about what was ended re: “Stop and Frisk” and what continues. I have attended the 24th Precinct Community Council and Capt. Larin has given very clear explanations on this.
the police can and execute a “Stop and Frisk” when they have actual reason to do so with a particular person or persons.
they no longer “stop and frisk” EVERYONE in a certain demographic category. In the past, this was al most always young black and hispanic males. when the policy was in place, almost every young black and hispanic man in the city had been “stopped and frisked”, most multiple times.
now, if you believe that every black and hispanic male under 30 walking through the UWS should be stopped and frisked, then you ought to make that clear that this is what you are arguing. and then people can judge whether your argument makes sense and is appropriate public policy.
i’m just trying to add facts to the discussion.
Putting aside the content of your posts for the moment, I must say that I find quite irritating your failure to properly capitalize the first letter of a sentence.
Terri, you can interpret my agenda any way you wish, but the truth is that things have gotten pretty bad around here. I am invested in this neighborhood just as much as you are, and it’s my right and duty as a good neighbor to express concern whenever and wherever I see fit. And while the recent gunplay, gang wars, break-ins, and other issues may not bother you, I happen to care about the safety of my family, friends, and neighbors.
It’s getting worse and worse on the UWS because of crime. It’s becoming a dangerous neighborhood.
Boo hoo!
Well, maybe.
But since the Dunkin Donut perps “Left with …food and coffee” we can all feel better since, if they keep on pigging-out on cholesterol-loaded donuts they are bound to give themselves heart-attacks.
Then they will thus drop out of the bad-guy-business…probably hafta go into a F.C.A.L.F. (Former Criminal Assisted Living Facility).
Please…a dangerous neighborhood? I don’t think so.
Jason – where are you from? What exactly is dangerous to you?
When you hide your iPhone 6 deep in your pockets, far away from public view, then, and maybe then, you can start talking danger. And by the way, that is common practise in other developed cities that are still considered safe.
Looking around the world, where there is substantial economic divide it comes with increased rates of crime. Our city will not be exempt from that, as we climb quickly into greater economic disparity. And we all know who ushered that in.
Re ” And we all know who ushered that in.”
Oops, sorry to sound like an owl.
Guess you mean our former mayor, a bad, bad, man who is also responsible for:
the Great Christmas Snowstorm,
the Polar Vortex,
and creating Super-Tall skyscrapers like One57 and 432 Park.
Question. How do we know the “stop and frisk” law would have prevented these events?
I assume there weren’t any police around to “stop and frisk” when these happened.
Perhaps they wouldn’t have. We’ll never be able to stop all crimes, but I believe we should use every tool at our disposal to at least try. As a supporter of Stop & Frisk, my belief is that if it were still in effect, at least some of the would-be criminals out there might think twice about walking around with a weapon if they felt they would be…stopped and frisked.
well said Paul.
@ Paul R…I really wish I could believe that would be true! Maybe I’m too jaded having been brought up on the Upper West Side but I will say anyone who want’s to burglarize, shoot or anything else will do so. They aren’t in their right minds so they aren’t going to stop. They most likely don’t give a sh*t and maybe don’t even think they’ll get caught. Not much of a conscience.
I agree with you Christina that scum will still be scum. However the would be criminal may think twice about using a knife or a gun if S&F was still being employed.
Maybe the result would be the same, but a would be mugger without a weapon is easier to deal with if you choose to go that route, it would level the playing field if you will.
Keep in the back of your minds that it is freezing out right now, just wait for the warm weather and “Stop and Frisk” will be yearned for more than a cold glass of ice water! The mayor’s policies are going to turn the calendar back years, unfortunately.
when some commenters assert, frequently, that they want to re-establish the Bloomberg administration’s notorious racial-profiling version of “stop and frisk”, it has the impact of discouraging large sections of our community from coming to this site. the vast majority of the Black and Hispanic community in NYC was repelled by the racial profiling in this program. continually posting “we want it back” is insensitive, to say the least, and makes the site appear uninviting to many in the community.
how do you know the is unwelcoming?
Actually I find YOU make it unwelcoming with your extremism and personal attacks and head in the sand regarding violence.
I have refrained from coming to this site because of YOU. and only You. I know you are going to say, “GOOD”.
Look at that photo at Dunkin Donuts – that is a VIOLENT act and makes me shudder.
Not acceptable in any way shape or form.
I guess you think posting this over and over is clever? It’s not. You’re not.
Oh, so we can’t even have a *debate* about something because it’s sensitive? How progressive of you!
Heh. That was a nice try. Actually, a mere whiff of “stop and frisk” seems to keep opponents of the practice coming to this site far more often to express their opinion. A lot. Perhaps an opponent will respond to me!
if we are taking votes…i definitely want stop and frisk back. and as to those pointing to statistics, i would think it would take far more than a year (though its likely less than a year since the new regime truly changed the policy) to see real changes to the data. lets have a real discussion in 2-3 yrs time.
I don’t buy into the “it’s a big city, crime happens” argument. I’m sure that’s what they were saying in the 80’s too. I don’t remember reading about break ins like this last year or the year before. It definitely feels like things are getting worse.
You all should know that they way crime is reported and/classified by folks at 1pp has changed
that is the way the city had an average drop,
but look at the types of crimes that are up and what parts of the city they are in
what is your source on this? this has the ring of conspiracy theory. “crime couldn’t possibly be going down under DE Blasio… he must be cooking the numbers…”
Folks, the Untied States Supreme Court has held “Stop and Frisk” as CONSTITUTIONAL and not racial profiling.
This was in Kelly v Ohio (US) 1968 or 69. They have upheld this ruling several times, by refusing to hear appeals
that would change that ruling. Several of these have been in recent years.
Until the supreme court reverses its ruling these tactics are legal, full stop.
The judge in this case had a political ax to grind on this issue and her unethical behavior
in having the case assigned to her as well as her clearly bias anti police comments and media comments/interviews during the trail where highly unusual to say the least. That is why an appeals panel of her fellow judges ordered her removed from the case and reprimanded her conduct. For a judge to make any statement on a case pending before him/her is a clear violation of judicial ethics.
Once again (i and others keep saying this): if an NYPD officer has reason to believe that someone is carrying a gun or doing something else outside the law, that officer can stop and frisk the person, without a warrant. That is current policy.
So, those of you who are calling for the “reinstatement” of the old policy: please explain precisely what it is you are calling for? what do you want to bring back?
Mark Twain: ‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'”
To believe, really believe the statistics put out by politicians (DiBlasio, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Nixon)…. do so at ones own peril.
Grouch Marx:”Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”
I will believe my eyes…. I have been a west side resident since the early 70″s… down, up and definitely heading back down.
“This quotation is often attributed to Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century British Prime Minister. The source for this view is the autobiography of Mark Twain, where he makes that attribution. Nevertheless, no version of this quotation has been found in any of Disraeli’s published works or letters.[…]”
It’s so nice to see that all the regular commenters here have taken this blogs request for more civility and less political arguing to heart. Happy New Year!
My thoughts exactly — guess no moderator today.
Thanks, Sally. I was wondering exactly the same thing.
Avi, what happened to the new comments policy?
Rest assured, my dear neighbors, the Bruce Bernsteins of the world are just an unfortunately vocal minority. Let him spout his antiquated ultra liberal ideas.
People that are actually under 60 yrs old and have women and children and businesses to protect will handle this. The overwhelming majority of us are sick and tired of the Sharptons, Bernsteins and their ACLU buddies. Step aside and let serious people, with skin in the game!, handle these issues. Back to your Chomsky with you…:)
it’s interesting that the “antiquated ultra liberal idea” i am “spouting” in this case is simply that the racial-profiling version of “Stop and frisk” that was used under Bloomberg is discriminatory and should not be brought back. the large majority of New Yorkers agree with me on this, as was demonstrated in the last election.
Hadassah claims that this idea is help by a small number of rapidly aging ultra-liberal. However, if there is one group that is MOST widely against this racial profiling in NYC, it is the young.
Webot should examine WHY so many elected officials agree with this point of view. Maybe because it’s popular?
Politicians in New York pander to the lowest common denominator.
That is a given.
Please go and defend your comrades – how about Sheldon Silver…….oh yea…
Bravo Hadassah.
Whats worse is the politicians who often have similar far left wing beliefs think that everyone else believes it too. This vocal minority creates a distorted view.
Crime is a key issue for any NYC resident, and actually in any big city.
That said, as a native New Yorker, have never been the victim of a crime, nor anyone in my family with the exception of a radio stolen from a car in the 1980s.
The UWS is comparatively safe but crime of some sort will always be present.
But our community cannot be strengthened and crime cannot be properly addressed if the level of vitriol represented in many of the comments is truly representative of the UWS in 2015. If this is the contemporary UWS, please note that it was not always this way. The UWS was a much kinder place in the past.
Are we (and the Rag) so politically correct (afraid of being called a racist) that we cannot mention the race of the perpetrator(s) in the Boost Mobile violent armed robbery and illegal constraint on 109th & Columbus? Are we afraid it’s going to actually catch the person(s) responsible, or maybe cast a shadow on an entire race? Am I looking for an American Indian, or maybe an Asian American that may approach my business looking suspicious? If the victim, who felt that he had to plead for his life against such a monstrous animal, he probably gave more details, like race for instance. Why are you leaving that out? Perhaps the next one this thug robs, pistol whips, degrades and makes plea for their life before robbing them will / should be on your head for not disclosing ALL of the information to lead to the capture and encagement of the perp.
We did not receive information on the race of the subject. We typically list any and all information that could lead to the capture of a suspect. WSR
Every once in a while I read a story that strikes as rather funny when considering the larger picture.Its the kind of story I will send out to other people to give them a chuckle. Mind you a good portion of the criminal element are fairly stupid and often deranged. The headline could have been something like this.
Tragedy Chaos Blizzards and Destruction hits Broadway NYC
Dunkin Donuts robbed,, donuts and coffee captured.
Juis suis Donut
OK…. who do we know that stereotypically likes donuts?
Was there a donut shortage on account of the weather?
Was this a result of gobal warming?
Maybe it was a just a donut run?
How desperate do you have to be to steal a donut anyway?
Ah I can just see the conspiracies starting to run like the Bulls at Pamplova
A former employee! A Starbucks competitor?The great miltary industrial complex?
Maybe they were mad they didn’t get a free one so they decided to work for it with a garbage can through the front door.
Even criminals have a work ethic don’t they ?
Maybe they just feel as entitled NY’ers that we are all entitled to donuts, especially someone else’s.
Let them eat donuts?
Did you ever think they were dissapointed is wasn’t a Krispy Creme?
Once when I was a little boy after a judo lesson , my mother my sister and I where in a donut shop. A crazy person came in and ordered two eggs. The person behind the counter Said “Excuse me Sir , but this is a donut shop, we don’t serve eggs here, to which he responded ” Then give me back the 2 dollars I gave you for the 2 eggs.” (1965 money, a hot dog was 35 cents)
He had not paid for anything and was told again the same thing again. At that point he tore the round spinning counter bar stool out of the floor with super human strength and threw it over our heads missing the cooks head by inches as he came out to see what the fuss and noise was about in front.
It was at that point I flat out ran and bailed on everyone.
I realized in two seconds my mom and my sister where still there. I ran back in the front door and found my mom was trying to pay the bill with my little sister in tow!! (Someone was brought up with manners. I guess I wasn’t.) That nut chased us all into a blind alley and we barely got way. So when I heard of this appalling robbery even I don’t frequent donut shops anymore,the next question occurred to me.
Did they get any eggs?
One last thing When I was growing up the was a joke I heard saying the only difference between and Democrat and a Republican was a Republican was a Democrat who had been mugged. ( I know these days its hard to tell who is doing the mugging ) I’m sure that the posts here will figure out the political socio-economics undercurrents and conspiracies blame it on a politician or some other entity while we waiting to get mugged?
In the meantime the gun play creeps back to our homes up and down the street and not so slowly. ! Who cares if we were run over by the engine or the caboose . Or we can ignore it an hope it goes away.Donuts? Shootings? is there a connection? Or maybe we should be asking the police this question?
Stay tuned News at 5:00. In NY the upperwestsideguy
Does this mean Dunkin donuts leaves coffee in the machines over night??? Gross!!
I find it fascinating that a blog post about some crimes in the area yielded such a hot political discussion.
Crime existed on the UWS before de Blasio and it will exist after him. No mayor’s or police department’s policies will wipe out crime completely. The fact that folks are arguing about statistics means there was some level of crime before against which the current level is being measured. Up or down, it existed.
I’ve lived on the UWS since 1996 and have felt the same level of safety and cautiousness throughout. When walking at night I try to be vigilant of those around me. During the day I generally feel safe. I’ve occasionally heard about crimes, some violent, during my entire time here. Crime is a fact of life in the largest city in America.