There’s been some hot news in the world of Upper West Side electronics, clothes and accessories.
Maje, a new women’s clothing store, is going into the vacant space that used to house Space NK Apothecary on C0lumbus between 69th and 70th streets. Check out some of their spring/summer 2013 outfits here. It’s expected to open sometime this summer.
A new Radio Shack just opened on 81st street and Broadway, and it’s not your average ho-hum RadioShack. It’s a new concept for the electronics chain, including new kinds of displays that highlight products from Apple, Samsung and other brands. There will be touch screens and special comparison-shopping displays The press release adds that the store has “helpful, informative Texpert staff.” Please don’t tell us “Texpert” is a thing now. Because Apple’s “geniuses” are quite enough thank you. Basically, Upper West Siders, you are guinea pigs for this nationwide chain. So go over there and check it out. In the meantime, the Radio Shack on 85th and Broadway Columbus has closed. Thanks to Peter for the tip.
Laila Rowe, the accessory store on Columbus between 71st and 72nd closed suddenly last week. Thanks to Lindsay Deak for the tip.
BÖC Boutique on Broadway and 78th is either renovating or is closed. The phone is disconnected and the clothes has been emptied out as of last week. Thanks to Rebecca Frey for the tip.
Construction is well underway on the Kate Spade store in the former home of the Emerald Inn on Columbus. No sign yet of the rumored “bow-like” entrance.
I suspect you mean that the closed Radio Shack was the one on *Columbus* (not Broadway) at 85th. There hasn’t been one on Broadway at 85th.
Also, looks like the Town Shop has made the planned move across the street, just up Broadway from the new Radio Shack. The new store was open this afternoon.
Wow, I just checked the website for Maje, very expensive..I guess we are becoming more like 5th Ave :}
The shopping mall experience that further invades Dance Free Zone now defines it, as Burroughs spins in a shallow grave.
That’s sad about BOC. They moved from Columbus Ave not that long ago it seems.
The new Radio Shack will probably carry wearable electronics made by Tandycraft (remember them?)
Laila Rowe may gave closed suddenly but that’s because they didn’t want to tell anyone. Was in the works for a long time. Lease was up and they already had a store 12 blocks north.
Sorry this doesn’t have anything to do with store openings, but I live on W 66 and wonder what the HECK is going on on West End and 65th. There is ALWAYS construction going on just outside the ABC parking lot. Maybe Con Ed related. But we’re REALLY tired of the noise & wonder if any of you have an update? Thx. LOVE this publication. You guys shd get a reward for community reporting!
Re: the above “…I guess we are becoming more like 5th Ave.”
At least, not if the Fifth Ave. to which you refer means the tourist-swamped-aspirational-shopping-mall filled with slack-jawed, gawking, cellphone-camera-snapshooting overweight cubicle-dads and soccer-moms and their ill-behaved spawn, all parading on the most famous street OF A WORLD-CLASS CITY as if they’re about to go to their local WalMart or maybe hose down the car or the dog on their suburban driveway while dressed in shorts and tee-shirts !!!
Can’t you just see them asking, “Uhh, do y’all have an Applebee’s here on this CO-lumpus Avenoo?
Spare us!
it’s become so worrisome, every time a store closes. can’t help but think some conglomerate is about to scoop it up to continue the mallifcation of the UWS.
How do we stop them?