May 4, 2012 Weather: Scattered thunderstorms, High of 78 Degrees.
Calhoun is holding a spring fair on Saturday. And don’t forget the PS 199 stoop sale either. Check them out on our constantly-updating weekly calendar.
“A woman was shopping at Trader Joe’s around noon last Friday, her purse in her cart as she searched for cheap produce. When she got to the checkout, however, she discovered that her wallet was missing.” Before she got to Chase bank to report her credit cards stolen, the thief had already bought a $510 computer at Best Buy (imagine if the thief had had time to run to the Apple Store!). Two young men were also mugged on 68th Street by five men with a gun. (West Side Spirit)
Lots of restaurants in Manhattan Valley have tiny dining rooms, like 400 square feet. (DNAinfo)