“Sex Fiend” on the 1 train. Photo by Avi.
October 27, 2011 Weather: Rain, High of 54 Degrees
Mark your calendars: On Tuesday, November 10 from 6 to 8 p.m., Gale Brewer and others are holding a fundraiser at the Belnord to pay for a new boiler for the landmarked West-Park Presbyterian Church on the corner of 86th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. They are trying to raise $34,000 in one night.
Upper West Siders have been accumulating lots of tax liens — in fact, the 10025 zip code has the highest number of tax liens in the nation outside of Las Vegas, accumulating a total debt to the IRS of about $10 million since January. Singer Judy Collins is one of the people on the list. 10023 also made the top 50 (or, more accurately, the bottom 50?) (NY Post)
Police are cracking down on street vendors, trying to address the complaints of Upper West Side residents who say they pollute, compete unfairly with local businesses, and break all sorts of rules and laws. (DNAinfo)
Journalism and photography students at the Calhoun School on the Upper West Side are required to head down to Zuccotti Park and check out Occupy Wall Street. (NY Times)
Parents are demanding faster action to clean toxic PCBs out of PS 199. (DNAinfo)