September 1, 2011 Weather: Partly Cloudy, High of 83 Degrees.
Yikes, it’s September! Consider playing human chess, or checking out one of the other free events on our calendar.
Robert Redmond, a nudist who works for the NYC Parks Department, enjoys hosting people at his three-bedroom Upper West Side apartment wearing nothing but his swiss army watch and tevas. He’s an active user of the site Couchsurfing.com, which allows people to stay at each other’s homes when they are traveling, with the understanding that they will also host travelers when they return home. Redmond is part of the site’s clothing optional group. He recently hosted some Germans: “I’ll always slip on some shorts if my guests are uncomfortable,” he said recently, as he served bagels and lox to Mr. Ruf and Mr. Palme, who were fully clothed but appeared perfectly at ease with Mr. Redmond, who was not. (NY Times)
A baby lamb born at the Central Park Zoo during Hurricane Irene was named “Irene Hope”. (NY Daily News)
Finally, the city is getting around to fixing the “Bowtie of Death” intersection at 71st Street and Broadway. (Streetsblog)
It was the wettest New York August in recorded history. (NY Times)
Bicyclists are no longer being asked to dismount when they enter Riverside Park at 72nd Street to get onto the Greenway. (Streetsblog)