By Lisa Kava
West Side Kids, the iconic toy store that has been an Upper West Side favorite since it opened in 1981, is moving from 498 Amsterdam Ave (84th Street) just around the corner to 201 West 84th (between Amsterdam and Broadway), owner Jennifer Bergman told West Side Rag in a phone interview on Monday. The new location is the former home of John Koch Antiques, which moved to Long Island City in November.
In addition to being a cherished Upper West Side spot, West Side Kids is also a longstanding family business. Bergman bought the store from her mother, Alice Bergman, in 2010, and it has been at its current location for 42 years, she said. (West Side Rag profiled West Side Kids here.)
Bergman was recently approached by her landlord who asked if she wanted to move to the former John Koch space. She was offered a “better deal and it just made sense,” she told the Rag. “I am excited for a fresh new space and new construction.” Bergman is changing the logo to feature more vibrant coloring. “We have been just red, yellow and blue for years. The new logo and new colors are a cheerful update and more current.”

Bergman also plans to hold art and music classes for both kids and adults once she moves into the space. A once-a-week watercolor class, as part of a six-week series is in the works, she told the Rag. Class details and schedules will be worked out after the move takes place. “Holding class is always something I have wanted to do. The existing space did not lend itself well to classes but the new space will.”
Landlords Stacey and Scott Shurgin, from Leeds Associates, have been “wonderful and helpful,” Bergman said. “Scott is building out the space and helping with the renovation and contruction project.”
The move is planned for early July. Bergmann looks forward to welcoming both old and new customers who will not have to venture very far from West Side Kids’ current home!
I love West Side Kids, and have found Jennifer Bergman’s advice for appropriate toys for my grandsons to be invaluable and totally on the mark. My grandsons are always thrilled with their birthday and Hanukkah presents, and I have Ms. Bergman to thank for that. The latest: A remote control dinosaur for my 12 year old, who is enthralled.
I don’t have kids but I have shopped there for my niece. It’s wonderful to have such an institution in our neighborhood. Wondering if we could organize some sort of a kids street fair to promote the new space once Jennifer is settled in?
Its moving from a major Avenue to a side street ? Good luck.
The side street location is just off the corner and highly visible from the avenue. And happens to be just a block from The Children’s Museum. Win-win.
children’s museum is moving to 96th and cpw
It’s very visible, near the corner.
WSK has been around for a long time…I doubt this move will affect their business. I’m just happy that it wasn’t another restaurant renting out that location. 201 does NOT need any more mice/rats!
For a store this established and well-known in the neighborhood, being on a side street just a few feet around the corner from their former location is not going to be a detriment. Every family on the UWS is aware of West Side Kids. I’ve lived on West 110th for nearly 30 years, and even when Bank Street Bookstore was still in business, which was a couple of blocks from my home, I would head down to West Side Kids when I need a toy for a birthday present, etc. Further, West Side Kids is virtually the ONLY “just toys” store on the UWS. Stationery Toy World on West 72nd carries toys, but it’s mainly a stationery store and their toy selection is much smaller.
Happy for them locating to the new space but kind of sad about the signage change. The old signage was very charming.
I love that West Side Kids avoids electronic and computerized items.
How nice to read a story about a retail store and its landlord cooperating instead of battling. I wish West Side Kids many more years of success in its new location, and I hope Leeds finds a tenant for the corner store that benefits the neighborhood. (Hint: we have enough nail salons and sleazy smoke shops.)
Thank goodness – and your uniquely nice landlords – that you are staying in the ‘hood!
They should get more of those fuzzy Chewbacca dolls. Those were a good gift.
Great news . I knew her mother when our kids went to the West Side Montessori School. So glad the store is staying and classes will be offered.
I am a huge fan of store and glad to hear they are sticking around.
The new location is a step down but hopefully their business will continue doing OK. That block will be a mess for a while with the huge construction project – they are doing demo now so it is going to be a while.
I assume the owner has a plan for the corner space – any word on what will be going there?
West Side Kids is the best toy store in NYC! Jennifer and her staff know the perfect gift for all kids, all ages, all prices. They are so nice and patient and give them my business every time I need a gift for kids/teens/newborns — every age….support this small business, they have passion and great taste. #WestSideKidsForever