Monday, May 1, 2023
Partly sunny with showers. High 61 degrees.
Our calendar has lots of local events! Click on the link or the lady in the upper righthand corner to check.
There will be a Full Community Board 7 Meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. This is when all the proposed resolutions that have come out of committees in the past month are voted on by the full board. The meeting will be held on Zoom. To register, sign up to speak, or read the resolutions in advance, click the following links: Register | Speaker Sign-Up | Proposed Resolutions. Highlights of the meeting will include votes on the 83rd Street safe haven, and the 79th Street Marina dock house. For procedural reasons, the meeting will begin with a separate public hearing on the safe haven. You can speak or submit written comments on the safe haven by using the following links: Speaker sign-up | Submit comments. If you’re unsure about going, read our review of community board meetings here.
Calendar Project to Continue
By Carol Tannenhauser
Mildred Alpern, a poet and photographer, was working on “The Calendar Project” for the West Side Rag, sending a signature poem and accompanying photographs on the first day of every month. We had gotten through April when she died at the age of 91 from a chronic lung disease, which had plagued her from the time she was in her 30s, never letting on to us that she was ill.
It is the first of May and, if Mildred were here, she would say “the show must go on.” In fact, she made sure that it would. “I don’t know if you know that my mother completed her poem/photo-of-the-month project,” her son, Spenser, wrote, shortly after Mildred’s death. “I have access to her computer so if you wish to print subsequent months, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
I should have known.

By Mildred Alpern
May seems such a pleasant month
It tips the scale in rhymes
Like pay and play and happy day
And gaily skipping on your way
It also asks permission
As “May” I have a treat?
Another slice of chocolate cake
Would be especially neat
But getting down to brass tacks
May is such a class act
With blooming flowers everywhere
And warming breezes passing fair
Yet May ends its reign on a solemn note
Remembering the tragedy of war
With speeches and flags on Memorial Day
Cold comfort forevermore

Thanks, Mildred. See you in June.
Read the other Calendar Project months here.
Have a great week!
How lovely that she left us with a touch of beauty. What a unique and wonderful woman.
You continue to bless us Mildred
Beautiful 💛
The sunlight under the bench in the top photo
Thank you Spenser for continuing to share the beautiful and loving work on your mother. She was a true treasure.
How poignant. Spencer thank you for bringing your moms words to us. love the photography as well. Really really beautiful.