By Scott Etkin and Lisa Kava
Ample Hills Creamery, a Brooklyn-based ice cream company, will open Thursday, July 7th at 526 Amsterdam Avenue (between 85th and 86th Streets). The new shop will celebrate opening day by giving out free scoops from 6 to 8pm. “The opening introduces their shop-specific flavor, Night at The Moo-seum, which features salty pretzel swirls, fossilized chocolate flakes from Raaka Chocolate, chocolate sandwich cookie dust and colorful chocolate geodes,” according to the press release. Ample Hills, which has been rated #1 in NYC by Zagat and named “Best Ice Cream in America” by Food Network, will offer two dozen flavors, including Ooey Gooey Butter Cake, PB Wind the Cup, and Peppermint Pattie. This will be the company’s 12th shop, which started as a pushcart in Prospect Park in 2011. The previous tenant in the space was Orange Leaf Yogurt.
Residents of Park West Village (the apartment complexes on Columbus Avenue and Central Park West between 97th and 100th Streets) have started an email campaign to save the Rite Aid at 741 Columbus on the corner of 97th Street. The store is at risk of closing due to losses from shoplifting, according to the letter, which is addressed to the President and CEO of Rite Aid, Heyward Donigan. “[The pharmacy] is frequented by many senior residents who rely on the store to fill prescriptions, who would experience severe challenges in obtaining life-saving medications,” the letter argues, as well as, “after the closure of the Rite Aid at 210 Amsterdam Avenue, NY 10023, this is the only remaining branch in our neighborhood.” (Thanks to Karen for the tip.)
The Duane Reade/Walgreens pharmacy at 1889 Broadway (between 62nd and 63rd Street), had been “temporarily closed” because of an air conditioning issue, but has now re-opened. (Thanks to Mary for the tip.)

Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY, 10th District) has opened a temporary campaign office at 100 West 72nd Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues. He is running in the redrawn 12th District in a race with Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY, 12th District). You can find WSR’s coverage of the match-up here, ahead of the primary election on August 23. The space used to house Z’Baby Company, the kids clothing store.
It looks like a new brunch spot will be opening on Broadway between 78th and 79th Streets at the space formerly occupied by New Wave Cafe. A sign is up in the window that says “Almost Time for Brunch.” We will update when we have more information. (Thanks to Suzanne and Gavan for the tip.)

DEJAVU nail salon recently opened at 226 W. 72nd Street, between Broadway and West End. They’re open daily from 10am to 8:30pm and are replacing another nail salon, Spring Sun. (Thanks to Linda for the tip.)
Do such political campaigns pay rent for their campaign offices? Or is it a donation from the landlord for the public good…..
And could the police precinct help with the shoplifting? Isn’t it a Shame that a nice law abiding community like ours loses a store because of the thieves. Could we petition the thieves not to rob our RiteAid? And seriously, if this store in particular is a shoplifters target, there should be some solution other than shuttering the store.
70th and WEA CVS: NO CARTS!! NOT 1!! I was told by workers and the manager that the carts are stolen. Sometimes with products. WEIRD. They have security staff at the door. Wouldn’t they see if someone is walking out the door with a grocery cart filled with products? We are many seniors who use that store, not only for the pharmacy, but for daily needs, including groceries. What is going here? Are they telling the truth? This neighborhood is like Queens. There are not a lot of criminal-looking types that I see on WEA in this area. What’s up guys?
I’m struggling to figure out how a campaign office functions for the public good. Unless it also doubles as a Halloween pop-up store.
The campaign pays rent.
Of course they pay to rent storefronts. Do you want politicians to be accepting favors “for the public good”?
The loss of Rite Aid or any business is unfortunate, but there’s a CVS at 96th and Amsterdam and Duane Reade at 94th and Columbus. I think the Target on Columbus has a pharmacy too. Virtually all deliver. Seniors and others need access to drug stores, food stores etc but we’re not in an underserved community like other neighborhoods or even parts of this one. What about all the seniors who live on Riverside Drive?
Remember when we all complained that there were too many drug stores opening up?
I use that Rite Aide all the time – they have great deals on household goods – the pharmacy is excellent with nice people – and now they have self check out machines – no lines! They are generally significantly cheaper than the duane read and CVS. They have most things locked up like all other stores so no clue why they are robbed more. – but that’s another story – when did people stop being arrested for shop lifting?
Despite what employees may say Rite Aid is not closing stores just due to shoplifting. If that were the case every DR, Walgreens, Rite Aide, CVS and nearly every other such place would shut as well.
Parent company of Rite Aid announced many months ago now they were closing a number of stores.
Quite simply there isn’t much if not anything at Rite Aid or similar stores you cannot get online often at cheaper prices. Amazon.com and others have totally upended traditional retail, and that includes places like Rite Aid.
On other end of things there are just too many pharmacies competing for smaller slices of pie.
everything is locked up at the drug store chains you have to find someone with a key to buy shampoo or anything! sad state of affairs.
i usually leave and look elsewhere or order on line.
It’s disgusting that the deviant behavior of a few (?) impact the many (closing store and locking up items). I’m waiting to see how bad things need to get before things change, like focusing on quality of life crimes. I think it will be awhile because no doubt some people will feel that doing so will somehow be discriminatory.
Maybe if people stopped stealing and looting, stores would be able to remain open. It is very risky for any business to open near public housing.
We shouldn’t forget that both Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney are also running against Suraj Patel who, despite the $$ and incumbency advantages, is running a serious campaign on a thoughtful platform
He’s running against them, not the other way around.
Did you know that a merchant can bring a civil case against a shoplifter regardless if it is prosecuted as a crime? I used to work at a department store that did that. This is the administrative code: https://codes.findlaw.com/ny/general-obligations-law/gob-sect-11-105.html
It can be cumbersome, but it is a tool that stores can use no matter what the D.A. wants to do.
Also, maybe write to the big chains saying that you won’t shop in a store where things are locked up.
Rep. Nadler is old, very old! He served the UWS well and I thank him for that. But it’s time for some younger people to represent the UWS. He should have retired and made way for a younger generation.
Just goes to show how non-strategic this “younger generation” writer is – wanting to ditch the very experienced Chair of the important House Judiciary Committee at a time when our courts, rights, and democracy are in crisis …just to plop in someone “younger” and less experienced. Glib ageist attitudes are not often well thought out.
What are you doing to help your neighborhood or for that matter younger generations? There are many other ways for young people – like those of all ages – to represent the UWS besides Congress, so please get to it. There are positions available on Community Boards and in community based organizations. And when you have some experience to offer, you can run for City Council or another city-wide office or, as Nadler did, for the State legislature.
Wow, ageism in WSR? This isn’t Logan’s Run, ya know. Can you cite a non-discriminatory reason you think he shouldn’t be employed? Please.
Your ageism is unacceptable. It’s not about age, it’s about the ability to do the job and the quality of the work People retire when they are ready to retire, not when others think they should, unless their resignation is urged because the work they are doing is unacceptable (see for example, Boris Johnson). What does the ‘younger generation’ offer that Nadler is not doing that compels you to want this change? Or do you just not like older people representing you.
“Residents of Park West Village (the apartment complexes on Columbus Avenue and Central Park West between 97th and 100th Streets) have started an email campaign to save the Rite Aid at 741 Columbus on the corner of 97th Street. The store is at risk of closing due to losses from shoplifting…”
What a scathing indictment of both our society as a whole and the infrastructure of our justice departments, from the cop on the beat to the legislatures that write our laws and the other institutions of justice like the prosecutors who as a group are asleep at the wheel as vandals race to strip the vehicles in which they’re sleeping…
Rite Aid has unfortunately been walking the line of insolvancy for more than 20 years. As a bond dealer, their bonds were at the very bottom of the junk on screen every morning. It has nothing to do with shoplifting specifically or competition from other stores specifically but they just weren’t able to get out from under their crushing debt.
I’m wondering if there is another issue related to the possible closure of Rite Aid. The Chase bank on the opposite corner was closed a few months ago. It was very convenient for many older people and for getting cash quickly. Nearest one now is Broadway and 95th Street, which was recently robbed!!
That Rite Aid is the only place around to take your blood pressure.