By Michael R. Martin
My friend Amy believes In pet adoption like I do. When the time came for a new kitty, she contacted the New York City Animal Rescue Girls and arranged an adoption. Ella arrived.
Amy had given her a private room complete with litter, food and water, making acclimation easier. Ella quickly went into hiding. Totally normal behavior.
Unfortunately, days passed and no sight of Ella. She hadn’t eaten or drunk water or used the litter box. Amy became concerned. She looked high and low and could not find her. No open windows or doors, not in the sofa. Where oh where?
Friends came by and same results. No kitty. After day five, panic set in. The New York City Animal Rescue Girls suggested the fire department. Amy hesitantly called.
Knock at the apartment door.
A whole crew of New York’s Bravest walked in! In less than five minutes they found Ella. She had managed to climb to the top of a wall unit and discover a small unknown opening.
Ella ate and drank and purred. Another happy ending thanks to Ladder Company 25.
Who needs the Mounties when we have Ladder 25!
Nice work, gentlemen!
Forever heroes!
A great (and lovely!) story — thank you! And thank you to Ladder Company 25!
Lovely story. Crafty Ella. Reminds me of the time my tabby Pumpkin disappeared. I searched all over and after a great while, found him hidden inside the sofa bed. How he managed to worm himself in there…. who knows?. Welcome home Ella!
And multiple congratulations to Ladder Company 25 – those guys know their stuff!
I am convinced that cats prefer men
Great story…thanks to NYC’s Bravest!
especially female cats, even spayed–you should have seen my Topaz go after (and catch) my husband when we married –and he was definitely not a cat person
Thanks to our heroes. So glad the baby is safe & sounds.
As a cat person myself, I think I would have tried a can of tuna first, the good stuff. Maybe set up my camera and then left the room.
If that didn’t work, I would have broken out the cat nip. Cats can’t resist it. It’s basically a Schedule 1 narcotic for them.:)
If that didn’t work I would probably panic and think he/she got out of the apartment and was gone forever. This isn’t Istanbul so life on the streets for a cat is not a good situation, to say the least.
Good call on getting the FDNY involved. Is there anything these guys CAN’T do??
Small opening in a wall unit is the NYC equivalent of a cat stuck in a tree. This is awesome! Love to see Ladder 25 helping out and rescuing kitties!
Thank You. Love This!
Glad cat was rescued…a second time. Hurrah for NY’s finest!
We need more stories like this with a happy ending. And kudos to the fire department who went well beyond their job description!
If there was no kindness in the world, things would be awful — but New York’s firefighters are the ultimate in goodness and kindness !!!
We can also thank Ella’s nine lives — she sounds like such a sweetie !!!!