The second location of Miriam, an Israeli restaurant with a flagship in Brooklyn, is coming to the corner of 74th and Amsterdam, tipster Scott notes. “It will occupy the space that used to house Recolte, the Taiwanese-French bakery that closed in Summer 2020. Miriam’s Park Slope location, which has been established there for almost twenty years, serves a seasonal menu and some ingredients from Israel. It is “most popular at brunch,” according to The Infatuation, and it “makes some truly excellent brunch dishes (get the burekas).” Signage on the new location indicates that the restaurant has applied for a liquor license. It also has a permit for an interior renovation that expires in January 2022. Additional updates are available on Miriam’s Instagram account.” Thanks also to Gerry for the tip.
Suram Sushi & Ramen has opened at 21 West End Avenue, between 61st and 60th. “Bring your card as the menu notes it is a “cashless” restaurant,” writes our tipster Joy. “Seems to have traditional sushi bar seating instead of tables.” Check out an image of the menu here. Sushi deluxe is $26.
Tracksmith, which sells running gear and clothing, just opened in the former home of Lululemon on 64th and Broadway. Thanks to Sarah for the tip.
Owner Tanya Young Williams and her family.
Central Park Resale, a “brand new boutique store offering consignment, resale, thrift, an art gallery, and event space for trunk shows and pop ups”, opened last month at 22 West 66th Street. “Created and owned by Tanya Young Williams, a well-known African American businesswoman, advocate against domestic violence, TV personality, and inspirational speaker, Central Park Resale offers the following: consignment of high-end luxury items; resale of stylish, gently worn fashions; sale of affordable and trendy thrift clothing (under $15); and a gallery offering exposure to independent designers, trunk shows, artists, and original art pieces,” a release said. Learn more at
Please remind any restaurants that you care about that “cashless” is not an option in NYC. Van Leeuwen Ice Cream was recently fined for that which violates city regulations.
What about Sweet Green? Last I was aware they
wouldn’t accept cash at either of their upper west side locations.
The regulation against cashlessness is so that people who can’t qualify for bank accounts or credit cards can still buy goods or services without businesses effectively discriminating against them because they are poor.. Legal tender for all debts public and private has some meaning and value.
I find this anti-cashlessness rule to be emblematic of the myopic, do-nothing attitude that has infested local politics for years.
Instead of trying to reach out and serve the unbanked with subsidized municipal banking, free reloadable cards for low-income residents, or some other innovative (if hardly unprecedented) approach that helps bring the unbanked into the formal financial system, they city just slapped a ban on going cashless and prevented small (and not-so-small) businesses from moving into the 21st century.
Don’t forget that most people who go without bank accounts are reliant on the predatory check cashing industry, so it’s hardly as if present state of affairs is serving any equity goal!
Thank you, Steve B. Exactly right. Have to wonder if these stores prefer being cashless because they WANT to keep out people who are poor. Even when those potential customers have enough money to pay for things in cash.
Absolutely wrong. These silly regulations requiring a cash option for payments is misguided. Since there is no “cash lobby” one can only imagine that politicians looking for a quick press hit are creating a non sensical policy that is bad for the environment (requires heavy trucks to transport paper currency) and discourages people from opening bank accounts, which requires them to cash checks and pay exorbitant fees. Employees at these stores generally hate dealing with cash- it’s dirty, requires them to make change, and can be stolen (sometimes violently). Ending cash payment would be best for all.
Of course not. Poor people is exactly what these businesses get started for. Every entrepreneur aims to pour their hopes and dreams into a venture that attracts people rummaging through their pockets to find enough coins for their purchase. Speeds up the flow of people, great for revenue management, minimizes operating cost, ensures solid profitability. The City absolutely should be in the middle of telling these entrepreneurs how to run their businesses. That’s what capitalism is built on.
Yes, indeed. Has to be up there with the dumbest regulations in this city.
Since when has mastercard, visa etc. usurped the US government’s control of its currency?
Can’t use physical cash for: Amazon purchases, paying taxes to IRS; Express MTA busses…
You can use cash to buy an Amazon gift card or a debit card that will pay the IRS or for a bus ticket.
Blank Street coffee opened on 79th and Broadway. With breakfast tacos!
About Coffee just started serving breakfast tacos, best I’ve had in NYC!
What is in a breakfast taco ?
It varies from place to place and taco to taco, but eggs and cheese are the staples, and sometimes beans/pico de gallo/chorizo/avocado/potatoes/etc etc etc.
Blank Street’s are King David Tacos, from Austin.
I wanted a Two Boots or decent thin-crust place in the 74th and Amsterdam space. Sigh ….
Freddie and Peppers is basically across the street – great NY pizza by the slice.
Personally, if it is the spot I think it is, I wish Josie’s would come back.
Yes. Agree. I really miss Josie.
Miriam is one of the things I miss MOST about living in Brooklyn. This is FANTASTIC news!
Note that the Tracksmith store is just a pop-up for the NYC Marathon, not a permanent store.
I believe “cashless” is illegal in NYC.
Any new regarding Charles Pan Fried Chicken on 72nd Street?
The last two office b.uildings I worked are entirely cashless. I never carry cash anymore.
“Cashless” retails (stores, restaurants, etc.) is illegal in NYC. Not only was Van Leeuwen fined, but so was Chipotle – after I told them about the law, showed them the law (on my smartphone), and told them I had spoken to their corporate office.
Apparently, even THAT wasn’t enough and they continued to refuse my attempts to pay with cash, so I reported them, and they got fined.
Suram should consider that the FIRST fine is $1500 – and it only goes UP from there.
Businesses should have your photo all over the city and deny you service. They have the legal right to not let you in. Being a bad person out of principle lol
Seriously? As if retail stores dont have enough to contend with to try to scrape by. What pleasure do you get out of punishing businesses in the community? Do you think a person without a credit card could get a burrito somewhere else, or a scoop of vanilla ice cream at another establishment?
Of all the laws that go uninfoced, this is the one that bothers people? Please put that energy into reporting the shoplifting and unregistered motorbikes, your efforts will be better served.
Nice work, Ian! You couldn’t support the locally owned Mexican food place down the road that takes cash (and likely always will) – you HAD to give your money to the big bad corporation?
Makes sense to me.
Great work, Ian. This is really important for people who some here don’t care about. I lobbied a bit for this legislation to be passed and signed into law.
Wow Ian – you have a lot of free time on your hands!
Exactly. Again, I am a Democrat. I believe in helping people. But all of the busy bodies who create rules to make them feel good about themselves aren’t helping anybody.
Have you asked the cashless whether they really care? Shouldn’t time and resources (which are limited) go towards things that really actually help those in need of help. This behavior is what is turning the party into a joke and winning elections for Republicans.
And to confirm what others have posted, there are many good reasons for going cashless. The world isn’t black and white. These businesses consider the pros and cons and make a calculated decisions. And the worry of getting protested by do-gooders likely factors int their decision but the pros still win.
This argument is asinine. The whole point of regulations is that businesses would LOVE to make the “calculated” decision to hire child labor and dump toxic sludge in the harbor. We’d prefer that they don’t do that.
Yes, cashless is good for business. And as soon as it’s fair for New Yorkers too, we can go ahead and relax that regulation.
Wow – you have a lot of angst. Not having cash means they don’t have to go to the bank, they don’t have to worry about employees stealing, and the lines move faster. People are so quick to assign malicious intent.
The cashless don’t care about this. They would prefer that you channeled your angst towards helping them with things they do care about. At least that is what they have told me the many times I have helped at soup kitchens and sat down and talked with them, which is a more constructive way to help.
So many people who think their crusades are to help other people are really just doing it to feel good about themselves and end up being rude to those who really are helping.
I went into Rite Aid today, the one on Amsterdam between 69th & 70th street today & 3/4 of the shelves were empty. I asked what was going on and the manager said the store is closing on November 15th. Kind of surprised as that new high rise is right next to it. I asked if the chain will relocate the employees to another story & he just kinda shrugged & said “I hope so” but he didn’t seem to optimistic with his reply.
Miriam’s has bacon and shrimp on its menu. This is a shanda for an Israeli restaurant!
Is Shonda Rhimes one of the owners?
Of course, you know there are millions of Christians and other non-Jews in Israel. Right?
Muslims don’t eat bacon.
Do atheists? I know plenty of atheist Israelis.
“Israeli” does not mean adherence to Judaism. Many restaurants in Israel serve all kinds seafood and shellfish that is strictly forbidden to eat if you follow Jewish law. Secular Israelis do not keep kosher.
Central Park Resale is a find.
Looking forward to visiting–the brands you love are some of my favorites.
Best wishes for much success and happiness.
I wish every success to Miriam – but I really miss Recolte!
Food places need to take cash. Legal currency.
It is the right thing,
Vendors can “prefer” cashless but operate a minimal cash register as well. Maybe a pain, but some days they won’t even have to open it. I am with those who don’t want to live in a cashless world. Why should every transaction involve paying a card processor? Cash is simpler for a lot of people. Most importantly. It is cheaper. At markets, small vendors have to pay 4% of sales to some card processors! I remember when some places had two sets of prices when that fee was 1.5% . money for unecessary “service”.
Cash is a major vector for all kinds of diseases and viruses. Forcing retail workers to handle cash puts them at risk.
Businesses which have to hire extra employees to do bank runs, security etc because they are dealing with a couple of cash transactions a day will have less money left over to donate to to community, put into their food etc. And realistically, all the people I personally know who don’t earn enough to have credit cards, also qualify for and recieve government aid like food credit which is given to them digitally so they can pay with their card. They are usually not splurging on sushi with the little cash they have.
I have cc and lots of times I prefer to pay cash instead. Especially when it’s for a $4 food item. I understand some stores don’t like to keep cash on hand for safety reasons but I also think they need to make the consumer happy and if that’s paying cash… then they should be able to pay cash. Barachou still doesn’t offer cash transactions. I told them that Van Leuwann was fined as a heads up. Not sure if they plan on making any changes or waiting until they are fined.