Photo of Broadway via 64th-67th Street Block Association.
Workers are continuing to patch the water main break that flooded Lincoln Square on Monday, and the city has closed off all southbound lanes on Broadway between 65th and 61st Street. That section could remain closed for three to five days, according to the 20th precinct.
In addition, 62nd Street is closed between Broadway and Columbus Avenue.
Water may be murky for days in some areas, officials said.
“DEP repaired a 12-inch water main on Broadway & West 60th. DEP is repairing a 20-inch & 36-inch in the West 60s,” according to Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal. “Water pressure & color may fluctuate during repairs. Its unclear when the work will be finished.”
The DEP says that residents with brown water should let it run for a while until it’s “clear and cold.” It’s safe to drink, they say.
What caused the break?
Though they have become less common in recent memory, water main breaks happen all the time.
Reasons? Pick one; aged pipes (some laid down well > 100 years ago), constant stress from vibrations caused by subway trains below and motor vehicle traffic above, stress caused by repeated chilling and thawing….
Last bit is happening more often; we get maybe one or two days of cold weather, then temps are in 50’s or 60’s. Few days later back to cold, lather rinse and repeat.
Probably old age – it was built in 1922 like much of the city’s infrastructure.
A hemorrhagic stroke perhaps?
Water mains are like animals: they get old, the blood vessels weaken and burst.
could this be why i have small bits of dirt in the water in my shower? On CPW and 85th Street
Hmmmmmm… This was the toll point if the Congestion fee toll went though and January 1….that’s not happening…. Karma comes in strange ways.