Future home of Le Petit Rooster.
We have reported on several new restaurants that are getting close to opening, including a replacement for Dovetail called Leonti on 77th Street. But the Times just announced several other new restaurants that locals will get to enjoy over the next few months.
Mokum, a “bakery coffee bar restaurant”, is expected to open at 464 Amsterdam Avenue (83rd Street) in October. The restaurant has a website up with few details so far. The Times says it’s being opened by “Tea Zegarac Pollock, a molecular geneticist who said she “always wanted to own a restaurant,” and her chef, Benjamin Vaschetti.” Both are Upper West Siders and Vaschetti apparently will make sure ratatouille is available every day.
Le Petit Rooster is opening in place of Gastronomie 491 at 491 Columbus Avenue (83rd Street) in October. It will be a wine bar, bistro and rotisserie spot, the Times says.
Flying Fisherman and Fish on the Fly will replace AG Kitchen at 269 Columbus Avenue (72nd Street) in September. “There will also be a takeout adjunct, Fish on the Fly, for lobster rolls and the like.”
Tiki Chick will serve drinks, small plates and a fried chicken sandwich at 517 Amsterdam Avenue (85th Street) in November. It’s the latest offering from Jacob Hadjigeorgis, who also started Jacob’s Pickles, Maison Pickle and Lucky Pickle Dumpling.
Sushi Inoue Lincoln Center is opening at 35 West 64th Street in October. “Sushi master Shinichi Inoue, from the Michelin-starred Harlem restaurant Sushi Inoue, will oversee the fish at a grand two-floor offshoot, Sushi Inoue Lincoln Center, in the former Picholine space.”
The Times also mentions other restaurants that we’ve reported on, including Elea, opening in October, and Billy’s Bakery, opening in October.
Excellent news! Fingers crossed. Cannot wait to try Flying Fisherman, Le Petit Rooster and Leonti.
NYT Byline: “The neighborhood’s fall openings may help shake its reputation as a dining dead zone.
not nice to our neighborhood restauranteurs!
Let’s hope our neighborhood does not become a dining destination, or us residents will have to travel to eat out.
People like you are the reason we have so many shitty restaurants on the UWS. It’s a culinary wasteland up here because crotchety old Upper West Siders like you, complain to no end. We are a dead zone and it sucks that one has to travel far to go to an acclaimed or popular restaurant. What I would give for a decent meal on th UWS.
It will never happen. The UWS is the opposite of hip. The only destination is the surgical supply store.
Um… I think you’re forgetting about the NYC Barber Museum on Columbus. It’s a huge draw actually…
A haircut starts at $47!
Yes, David that is the beauty of being undiscovered. In that respect it IS better to be undiscovered.
It’s just that I feel that the reviewer is condescending. The reviewer lives over near Park Avenue and East Hampton. Her palate is, most probably, just that narrow.
That’s my guess, at least.
Can’t wait to hear everyone complaining about how expensive all these places are!
I know. There’s a definition price point.
I am a life long upper west sider I always feel offended when someone calls us a dining wasteland. We are anything but that, its a put down which I do not appreciate. We have a – mazing restaurants, I love that the UWS is a true neighborhood. Not every neighborhood needs to be trendy, it’s a nice to have real neighborhood spots that we can enjoy. The UWS is a true neighborhood. I can name a few restaurants that are delicious, Bella Luna, Parpadelle, Ella Kitchen & Bar, and Fridas just to name a few.
The restaurant scene on the UWS hasn’t recovered from Harry’s Burritos closing.
The word scene does not match up with the UWS.
The restaurants you mention are average at best, average in terms the overall culinary offerings, average in terms of their service, average as it relates to their decor…Not sure anyone would see them as worthy of a cross town trip.
These restaurants in my experience all have just plain bad food. Not fresh. Mostly frozen and overcooked.
Cafe Frida has the freshest and most authentic Mexican food I’ve ever had- not the usual Chipotle-fare. If there is one thing to complain about it is ear-shatteringly loud during busy times, but that goes with being a smallish popular restaurant.
Yo! About dat “and Vaschetti apparently will make sure ratatouille is available every day.”
I, Rat A. Tooey, will soitenly make m’self available every night, when I can feast un-distoibed on all dem goodies.
But please make shure youse spells me name right. I don’ know nuttin’ about no “rah-tah-tweee”. Sounds French!
I have mice in my apartment. It’s disgusting.
You should get a cat.
And as an added bonus you will get to watch Wild Kingdom in your own living room. Man, I’m old…these days I guess I should say Planet Earth.
In all seriousness though, a cat will greatly add to your quality of life. Check out the Humane Society, ASPCA or the North Shore Animal League, my personal favorite.
every apartment I go to that has a cat, the apartment smells. as to quality of life, i’m no senior citizen.
Well, you already said your apartment is disgusting (and I agree, mice are gross and carry many diseases).
Just trying to help.
And, just curious, what does having a better quality of life have to do with being elderly? Seems sort of like an ageist comment. Although you may be young, you still seem like kind of a grump.:)
Silk Road – please come back
Agree. Nothing like it. Great food. Lots of wine. Good service.
A nice memory.
That and a filthy crowded dining room. And the wine was in a box.
Yeah, but the wine was free– and served to patrons in line gratis– and not bad. I one ate there with a wine distributor, who thought the boxed wine was fine.
All will be closed in 1-2 years.
Leonti is not going to make it with a few busy meals per week. How many times do we have to see this?! There is no way you can pay the rent, wages,…on just two or three busy meals (Friday dinner, Sat lunch and dinner and perhaps one more meal).
The UWS has been over-taken with bakeries and coffee shops. It’s a good business model but at some point it reaches saturation. Same goes for wine bars.
Flying Fishman sounds like a terrible idea. Expensive, highly perishable…
I agree. To make it as a hot new restaurant anywhere in Manhattan, you have to bring in the wealthy youthful big spenders and celebrity types who will drink a lot of liquor and wine. The location and atmosphere must be right to get the moneyed crowd. The food brings them in the door, but the booze pays the rent. Serving forty dollar entrees on the UWS and having an up-and-coming chef is no guarantee of success. You can have an expensive wine list too. The reality is that hip, cool folks with lots of cash to spend on food and booze won’t come to the UWS and eat at this restaurant because the neighborhood is bland and boring.
Outstanding news let’s bring em all back!!! Hopefully we have the population to support…. Sure it’s getting more expensive but less people overall as buildings convert. That’s this primary issue for these businesses. Wish we could support locally but yes, we need out of towners to support…. Heck they’re here to have a good time so why don’t we join them? Stop the fussy heads!!!
We need another Grocery store !! How about another Whole Foods anywhere between 79th and 96th and Broadway!!! There are so many large vacant spots!!
Expect to see more.
All these coffe shops and no grocery stores
They are not coffee shops, they are coffee bars. There is a difference. And they are cheap to run.
Thank goodness restaurants are opening to make the neighborhood look less deserted and shuttered. If you DONT cook meals at home on a regular basis, then please don’t complain about new businesses opening.. they closed due to inflated rents.. and landlords are greedy.. shuttered is worse than having open businesses.. yes, granted prices will be higher.. simply shop at Trader Joe’s and there are plenty of reasonably priced places on Amesterdam.. I’d rather see a lively and thriving neighborhood than one with for rent signs everywhere..
Re-open the Horn & Hardart on W72.
72nd isn’t trendy, but let’s give a little credit for these neighborhood gems on that street alone: Blue Ribbon is if you need to take your boring out of town guests somewhere. ZURRUTO??? Phenomenal ramen. Gebhardts Beer Culture? Give me all the fried cheese curds. And EVERYONE is sleeping on Ashford and Simpson’s Sugar Bar, 72nd near West End. I could be fine on 72nd street or the Columbus blocks surrounding it! Can’t think of one thing I need that’s not there. Come at me I don’t care. 72nd is THE CROWN JEWEL OF THE UWS.
we need more vegan restaurants up here