We received the following notice from a reader on Friday night about her cat Cheddar Pie.
**LOST**I left my garden door open for a few minutes with my dog outside and cannot find my cat, Cheddar Pie. He left our garden on 86th street, btwn Central Park West and Columbus. Facing south. He is orange and white. About 15 yrs old and needs to be home. PLEASE. If anyone has seen him call me at 917-887-2472.
I assume Cheddar Pie is the orange and white cat (pictured twice) and not the all-white one, right? Just want to be sure…
I hope your kitty shows up soon.
I so much hope you find him. I had a similar experience last year, but not in NYC.
I live on the same 86 St. block, south side, between CPW and Columbus. I will be looking out for your cat and call you if I see him. Good luck!
Cats tend to stay within a block or two of where they were last seen.
Keep on looking, day & night, as you may have a better chance to find him at night, when it’s quiet and less hectic.
Good luck and keep us posted.
I hope you find him. He must want to be found very much!
Cheddar has been found!
I saw this cat on West 80th Street at Columbus Avenue on Sunday July 1 – My dog Zac spotted him first walking down West 80th Street going West on the South side of the street.