There may be no more rewarding experience than volunteering with your dog.
More and more, therapy dogs are making a difference in the community. From traditional settings like hospitals to new programs in schools and colleges dogs are helping the people around you.
If your dog loves meeting new people, is good in new situations become a therapy dog team. You know how much your dog helps you now you and your dog can help others.
4th Annual Therapy Dog Open House
Come Celebrate National Therapy Animal Day and learn how you and your dog can get involved.
Monday April 30th 6:30–8:00 pm
ASPCA Corporate Offices
520 8th Avenue @ 35th St.
Talk with leaders in the NYC therapy animal community:
- Learn if your dog is a good candidate
- Get a sneak peek at an evaluation
- Find out where and how to train and register
- Meet some great therapy dogs and hear their stories
This is a free event but please register. Please note this is a humans-only event. Refreshments will be served.
UWS Therapy Dog Training Classes begin May 1st.
Ready for training? Classes to prepare you and your dog for the Pet Partners therapy dog evaluation begin May 1st. Learn how to be both effective and have fun visiting. Learn to work as a team, get your dog used to working around distractions and other dogs, brush up on obedience.
6 Tuesdays at Dog Days of New York
2581 Broadway @97th St.
May 1st, 8th 15, 22, 29 and June 5th
Class Fee: $350
Learn more and register