A French artist has been assembling stone sculptures on the edge of the Hudson River in Riverside Park. The carefully balanced stones apparently have no adhesives or wires connecting them. When they are knocked down, the artist builds new ones.
They resemble the cairns that can be found at places with natural beauty or spiritual meaning.
Sekhar Ramakrishnan saw “three separate stone arrangements or sculptures on my way home from Fairway. Apparently, they are just balanced, with no wires or adhesives. A woman I spoke to had seen the artist at work. Two are still up, roughly between 110th and 120th St along the river.”
“I met the sculptor, a French guy of maybe 30 years old, but that’s all I know,” wrote Lucas Bernard. “He said he rebuilds it all the time as people knock it down.”
If you catch the sculptor’s name, send us an email at westsiderag at gmail dot com.
Creative artistry, resembling Giacometti’s attenuated figures. Nice find and nice images.
They’re nice…sadly, I noticed that several of them have already been tagged with graffiti. Weekend mornings before trash collection anywhere north of the tennis courts is always a sorry sight of garbage. On the bright side, I did get an up-close encounter with the most enormous, magnificent hawk I have ever seen! (Somewhere around 114th)
Ah oui > Qui’est-il ? also, is Lucas Bernard a French guy ? Are there many ‘standing stones’ in Brittany; which used to be the Duchy of Brittany. Moi, I deserve more exhibits , e.g., of my current art work. “Vive La France quand elle est douce.” thanks , merci bcp., mercy buckets !
Who would knock them down?
I just saw two of them by the Hudson, seemed like the mid to upper 60s.
Reminds me of Andy Goldsworthy’s sculptures.
His name is Ulysses Gryka.
He is Albanian artist from Bronx.
Ulysses speaks 5 languages: Albanian, French, Italian, Spanish and English.
I love his artwork!!!
Very Nice, we need more Art in the Park.
What a splendid adjunct to artistic creativity in our city!!