Feral Love, the documentary about New York Philharmonic violist Dorian Rence and how she came to care for cats living under the highway at 72nd Street, was rained out at its first screening on June 23. But the parks department has rescheduled the event for August 11, so find a cat-sitter and put it on the calendar.
Read our story about the documentary and creator Markie Hancock here. Below, check out info about the screening.
Join us for a special screening of Feral Love (Hancock Productions), a local tale of a musician, a feral cat colony, true love, and Riverside Park.
A special guest quartet performance of live music greets you at 7:30 p.m. and a bonus short about the Riverside Clay Tennis Association cat kicks off the special evening.
Bring a blanket and join us on the grass (lawn chairs are ok around the periphery only).
Is the posting of this article directly beneath the article on the booming rat population deliberate? I do hope the Feral Lover scrupulously cleans up after feeding time, leaving nothing for the rats.
Taking care of Mother Earth isn’t simple. Why not place conflicting articles near each other to force cooperation. The alternative (kill ’em all) is less pleasing.
Not everything is deliberate. Sometimes a story about the cat movie screening gets written, and then a story about the rat population gets written, and one has nothing to do with the other.