The rabbis blocked traffic on Central Park West. Photo via T’ruah.
At least 18 rabbis were arrested on Monday night after a march through the Upper West Side to protest the Trump administration’s travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries. The rabbis were marching with several Jewish human rights groups, including T’ruah.
A crowd of about 200 people assembled at 88th Street and Broadway about 7 p.m. and then marched toward the hotel, brandishing signs with messages like “welcome refugees” while hitting drums and tambourines.
Rabbi Jill Jacobs, the executive director of T’ruah, a rabbinical group that organized the protest, said it was meant to show that many Jews opposed the ban.
They passed local landmarks like Harry’s Shoes on the way:
March for refugees with @truahrabbis and @HIASrefugees
— Jon Ganzarski (@Ganzarsko) February 7, 2017
Rabbi Susan Talve @CRCStLouis tells us why she marches for #RefugeesWelcome
— T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights (@truahrabbis) February 7, 2017
Much love to the T'ruah Rabbis who were arrested this evening for protesting the #MuslimBan. Interfaith solidarity is beautiful. ✊🏾❤️
— Simran Jeet Singh (@simran) February 7, 2017
We march for #refugees and #immigrants tonight because we remember the St. Louis #NoBanNoWall #HereToStay
— T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights (@truahrabbis) February 7, 2017
Some great signs that our March for refugee rights
— T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights (@truahrabbis) February 7, 2017
Rabbis risking arrest for #RefugeesWelcome
— T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights (@truahrabbis) February 7, 2017
The rabbis started by marching to the Trump International Hotel on 60th Street, and then sat down in the street. A police announcement sounded through a loudspeaker: “If you remain in the roadway and refuse to utilize the sidewalk, you will be arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.”
And then they were arrested and booked.
Our lawyers say they have never seen a busload of arrested @truahrabbis
— T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights (@truahrabbis) February 7, 2017
Several rabbis were also arrested after blocking traffic a couple of years ago in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.
Wonderful that this was done. With admiration for all who joined the march and all who were arrested.
Oi vay, oi gevult. I’m Ashkenaz; had an internationally dysfunctional upbringing. Please ban West African Muslims from U.S.A., & from Europe & the U.K.. I’m the last of my line, bis.. Reinstate the temporary ban on refugees, &, on those 7 countries : into U.S.A.; which I was dumped back into; inc., [once]homeless….Come experience the immigration messes of Central Harlem, Ha’n & Wa. Hts., la republica, el barrio, Marble Hill, Morrisania; Manhattan Valley; &, 10016/27/22/21…n.b.The Rabbi in the Attic. Some events’ve almost killed me.
Anyone have a list of the rabbis who were arrested? I assume they were all released pretty quickly?
It would be nice if these rabbis did something for the Jewish community instead of using the rabbinate simply as a vehicle to advance their personal lefty agendas.
It’s no wonder non-Orthodox branches of American Judaism are withering away.
You can sit at home and keep saying “me first, me first” all you want. These people, by standing up (or, sitting down, as it were) for others, have done quite a lot for the Jewish community, if you ask me.
Thank you, Noreaster, for speaking the truth. I’m interested in what you have to say. Anyone who thinks that it’s “lefty” to care for other human beings who are suffering at the hands of our incompetent leader has no idea what religion is all about. Fortunately, these rabbis and other religious leaders protesting Trump’s evil do. They know what the true meaning of religion is.
I didn’t ask you.
How do you know they aren’t doing anything for the Jewish community?
Yet another ill-informed whiny post from someone on the Right.
This is very inspiring.
I doubt they’d demand Israel let in Somali refugees.
That’s cool. Of course we Jews have a lot of rabbis. It seems like anyone can be a rabbi sometimes.
Made me proud…also to see so many women rabbis.
Interesting tweet about the 1939 St Louis debacle… at the hands of another xenophobic, alt-right wingnut…..
never mind…..
Blocking traffic is dangerous and can put many innocent people in harm’s way. Think of the ambulances, fire trucks and other first responders who face these obstacles and are delayed and detoured. Think of the people who were waiting for those emergency services.
Protest on the sidewalks and in a safe manner all you want. But these religious leaders are engaging in selfish and dangerous activity when they block our streets.
This concern was considered and mitigated. The protest was coordinated with the NYPD, who knew that the arrest was a possibility. The event took place at the bottom of Central Park West so that any traffic that needed to get through could easily turn onto Broadway from Columbus Circle.
So it was a planned stunt? I agree with the motives and I wouldn’t suggest that these rabbis were out for personal glory (as it were), but I don’t have much patience for orchestrated publicity stunts. Better to send a busload of rabbis (and other committed Jews and Jewish leaders) somewhere relevant (airports?), rather than just a sympathetic neighborhood that happens to have a building with the word Trump on it.
Liberals don’t care about that…remember any means justifies their end. And anyone that doesn’t agree is just wrong, don’t you know.
Thank you to all who marched and who braved getting arrested. I saw you marching and my heart was lifted. We need more marches. Trump is planning to silence us all, so while we still can speak, we must. His ban is terrible and so “unamerican” – notice how he didn’t ban people coming from Muslim countries where there is good business for the US – for example people coming from Saudia Arabia. Trump ‘s grandfather,if Trump would only remember, wasn’t born american – he was born in Germany and came here trying to get a better life in the US, just like the rest of us whether we are Jewish, Muslim, green or blue… I hope the rabbis who were arrested are alright and am so grateful to them for their leadership and good work.
Thumbs up!! Much admiration for your efforts!!
Action! Speaks LOUDER than words! and takes great courage!Bravo!
Did they get permits? I love their idea but do it planfully!
Interesting on YouTube the other night where an “experiment” was done. Someone interviewed a variety of protesters, asking whether each would house a refugee in their apartment or home… such as giving them food and waster and a place to sleep…whether it be a couch or bed. Most, if not all, came up with an excuse NOT to house them in their homes.
Well, Jean, I wouldn’t want you in my apartment, either, but I’m happy to pay into a system to help ensure that you get food and shelter and medical care if you need it. That’s why we have a government, so we don’t have to engage in ad hoc, questionably effective personal interventions to deal with systemic crises, but instead can work together to solve problems.
You (and everyone else who tries to trot out this charge of hypocrisy) are really eager to prove to yourself that everyone has the same mean, small heart you do. But no. It really is just you.
I love this comment. Well written and right on point. Bulls-eye!
Thanks for writing it so I didn’t have to. Saved me a couple minutes and reassured my faith in humanity. Thanks.
Thank you, UWS_lifer! 🙂
The purpose of our government as our Founding Fathers intended (and established in the Constitution) was to protect the rights of individual citizens and in fact limit the power of the Federal government — it was most certainly not intended to provide food, shelter and medical care.
P.S. Not quite sure how to break this one to you, but the Constitution was actually brought in to replace the far WEAKER federal system set up by the Articles of Confederation. A chief reason for the Bill of Rights was to put some limits on the otherwise vast delegation of federal power that the Constitution brought in. Fewer websites, more history books for you, friend.
I just pulled out my pocket Constitution and you’re right! There it is! Right between the right to free speech and the right to bear arms is the right to use the force of government to make your fellow citizens pay for your food, shelter and medical care! How could I have missed it? In fact, I’m sure when James Madison was drafting the Constitution he was thinking, the real problem with the Articles of Confederation is that it didn’t give people enough free (taxpayer-funded) stuff! What’s next, an Amendment providing for Participation Trophies for everyone? (sarcasm)
It’s amazing what people will read into the Constitution today in order convince themselves it’s their right to use the force of government to make other people pay for what they want. It’s unfortunate, but people don’t want liberty anymore — it requires too much personal responsibility and effort. It’s easier to vote yourselves free stuff! And the politicians are more than happy to go along with it, to get themselves elected, and re-elected. As the saying goes, “If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you’ll be sure to have Paul’s support.” Or in this case, Sarah’s.
Really? How do you think one “pursues happiness” if one is hungry, out on the streets, and sick?
Perhaps a more practical argument will appeal to you: why should people who are left to starve, freeze, or die by their government continue to abide that government’s existence? How long do you think they will wait?
The very premise of that “experiment” is ludicrous.
You can’t be serious to suggest that finding housing and food within a nation is the equivalent of finding those things in an individual home.
It worries me when I read posts like yours the belie a remarkable lack of common sense.
Typo… meant to type WATER.
so courageous and wonderful!
This lifts my heart.
Sixteen Muslim-majority Middle East countries ban anyone with an Israeli passport (and needless to say, that ban’s not temporary). When’s the rabbis’ protest against that?
Thank you for your protest!
Thank you for your courageous action!
I am shocked by some of the negative commentary. Your thoughts and actions are exactly what is needed. I join you in spirit.