Joan Paylo, the Democratic District leader for Assembly District 69 on the UWS, sent the following public service announcement about registering to vote. Though she’s a Dem, this info is applicable to people from all parties (and independents):
Binge-watching CNN’s clash of wonks and screaming partisans does not suffice this season. This is one big game you don’t want to watch from the sidelines.
Two important voter registration deadlines fall this week, and the NYC Board of Elections will host in-person voter registration drives at four locations on the Upper West Side.
Want to vote for US President and other federal, state and local offices up for grabs in the General Election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016? IF YOU AREN’T YET REGISTERED TO VOTE, YOU MUST DO SO THIS WEEK.
And a lesser known fact: Do you want to be eligible to vote in the 2017 city-wide Primary Elections for Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate, City Council, et al.? This week is also the deadline for you to DECLARE OR CHANGE YOUR PARTY AFFILIATION so that you can vote in the primary of the party of your choice. Yes, although those elections will be held in September, 2017, you won’t have a voice in some hotly contested local races UNLESS YOU DESIGNATE A PARTY AFFILIATION THIS WEEK! The deadline is Oct. 14.
On Thursday, Oct. 13 from 3 to 8 p.m., and on Saturday, Oct. 15, from 1 to 9 p.m., you can register at:
- LaGuardia High School, 100 Amsterdam Ave.
- PS 53//811, 466 West End Ave.
- Frank McCourt HS, 151 West. 84th St.
- West Side High School, 140 W. 102 St.
(Editor’s Note: In-person registration at the 4 locations above or these other locations is the only way you can register on Saturday Oct. 15th; if you want to register by mail or Internet, you must do so by Friday, Oct. 14.)
A full list of “Voter Registration Sites” throughout the city is available on the BOE web site at You’ll find it listed on the menu to the left.
You can also register to vote or change your party enrollment the old-fashioned way, in person at a Board of Elections office (deadline, Friday, Oct. 14) or by snail mail (postmark deadline, also Oct. 14). To get deadline details, locations, forms to fill out, or to register online if you have a valid NYS Dept. of Motor Vehicles ID, see the “For Voters” tab on the BOE web site.
The site will also guide you in applying for an absentee ballot.
I’ll keep this very brief: Friday, October 14 (that’s tomorrow) is the voter registration deadline in New York State.
If you don’t register to vote by tomorrow, you can’t vote in November’s election.
First things first: if you’re not sure you’re registered to vote at your current address, it’s easy to confirm. Click here to check your voter registration status.
If you need to register to vote or update your address, you can do one of two things. If you have a New York State driver’s license or ID card, you can register to vote online.
If like me you waited until the last minute, here’s a link to the online voter registration/change your party document:
If you don’t have a New York State ID card, you will need to print out and mail your voter registration and have it postmarked by TOMORROW, Friday October 14. You can download the form to register to vote here (it’s a PDF file).
Here’s a link to the online