A chicken was spotted inside Central Park in the West 70’s on Sunday. This shot by Patrick Jordan was taken around West 79th street.
Celebrities, payphones and Kosher bakers made our weekly roundup of Upper West Side news stories this week.
Bono took a spill while on a bike ride in Central Park, and had to cancel a week-long residency on the Tonight Show. No word on where exactly he fell. (NY Times)
If you have a pretty penny, you can live in the former Dakota apartment of the lovely Lauren Bacall. “The skinny: the three-bedroom, 3.5-bath has five fireplaces, and six windows that look over Central Park, one of which includes a Juliet balcony. Bacall bought it back in 1961 for a couple of tens of thousands of dollars (reports vary from between $28,000 and $48,000). She lived there ever since, in the company of bold-faced names as neighbors like Boris Karloff, Judy Holliday and Roberta Flack. And now, despite being appraised for $9M, as expected, it’s asking $26,000,000.” (Curbed)
The city will turn payphones into wi-fi hotspots with charging stations for phones. But the last three Upper West Side payphones on West End Avenue will continue to be used as phones. (Anyone know the locations of the phones? We’d love to get photos of them.) (NY Times)
New York’s youngest Kosher baker, Nechamit Rosen, works at the Kosher Marketplace on the Upper West Side. “She’s created a powerhouse bakery out of the basement of the shop, and she’s making herself known to an array of clients, she said, as ‘the one baking everything downstairs, fresh — with no preservatives!'” (The Forward)
An Upper West Side nurse has “guided more than 100 patients through similar life-ending fasts.” (Daily Beast)
Some residents don’t like the idea of a pedestrian plaza on West 97th street that we wrote about last week. “The Park West Village Tenants Association believes the plaza will mean more people, more litter and general chaos, especially if the 20-story Jewish Home Lifecare nursing home project planned for the same block is approved by the city.” (DNAinfo)
Parents of a student burned during a chemistry experiment at Beacon High School are suing the city for $27 million. (Daily News)
At MLK Jr. High, students are now allowed to bring their cell phones to school — a no-no under city policies — though they have to check them at the door. (Fox)
The nanny charged with killing two children on West 75th street two years ago said she was sorry, according to court papers. Her lawyer “has said Ortega cannot understand the case because of her injuries and because she suffers from delusions. But a judge found her fit for trial.” (Associated Press)
For our last bulletin, click here.
the phone booths are at 101st, 100th, and 90th streets. visit! use phones!
Thanks! They’re the only places left where Clark Kent can change into Superman. Avi
“The nanny charged with killing two children on West 75th street two years ago said she was sorry, according to court papers. Her lawyer “has said Ortega cannot understand the case because of her injuries and because she suffers from delusions. But a judge found her fit for trial.””
She can’t understand the charges against her because of her injuries?
What kind of BS is this?
She said she’s sorry, but explained that the couple who hired her, and whose children she murdered in cold blood, worked her too much.
Really? That is reason enough to punish them by killing their kids?
Enough with protecting the criminals and not the victims.
Hang her high.
Hang her ’till she dries.
I agree. She can’t understand what she did because of her injuries is such a load of crap.
Two innocent children died and one of them saw everything. Send her to jail for the rest of her life. No lawyer should take her case.
Zeus that article really chafed me too. How DARE she blame the parents for her unthinkable actions?
I’m surprised La Raza hasn’t taken up her cause and led a protest in front of that 1%-er building yet.
One of the pay phones is located on the North West corner of WE ave and 66th st.
I think it’s strange when the idea of seating and shade on the sidewalk at 97th gets equated to a hulking 20-story proposed ugly building. For the life of me, I wish the Park West Village Tenants Association could be persuaded to support or accept sidewalk amenities on their block. I was at the cb7 meeting where the idea was initially brought up, and the objections I heard were:
– no room for park amenities because kids play on this corner
– no room for park amenities because rats have been seen here
– no room for park amenities because Whole Foods throws its trash on this corner
It was very strange. Immediate, vociferous opposition. It seemed like perhaps the real problem was that the park guys hadn’t kissed the right rings at the tenants association. So I walked out thinking, well, the tenants association gets a trash-strewn, rat-infested concrete expanse where kids play. (??!) I’m no fan of Jewish Home Lifecare – at all – but was saddened to see the plaza proposal get harrumphed out of the room.
Hello – I’ve asked thsi before, but I can’t seem to find out, what is so bad about that nursing home proposal? I would love to have a nursing home relatively near to me. My mother, unfortuantely, will need one soon enough, and if it is so far from us, we will have a very hard time seeing her. As you know, you want to be able to keep an eye on elderly relatives in a nursing home, and the farther away it is, the harder it is, so I would have thought it would be good to have a place to care for fragile elderly people in our neighborhood, yet there seems to be nearly universal opposition to it?
I definitely like seeing new housing in the Upper West Side, I just think the rendering of the Jewish Home Lifecare building looks like a prison. That’s why I’m not a fan.
There’s even a children’s book about the 100th/WEA phone booth: Peter Ackerman’s The Lonely Phone Booth https://www.bankstreetbooks.com/book/9781567924145
I was walking my dog just inside the park at 86th on Sunday night and my dog found a full chicken leg with the foot still attached. It was clearly not from a grocery store.
I wonder if it was the same bird?
There’s one on the corner of 97 and Broadway
I live near the payphone at 66/West End Ave and to be honest, they’d better restore the phone booth or rip it out and give me a gigabit wifi connection instead. The phone booth is one of the last of its kind, but it has definitely seen better days.
There is a payphone on 83rd and WEA outside the SRO on the west side of the street, just noticed it the other day!
There are double phone booths at W 89 just east of Bway outside cibo y vino