97th Street greenmarket, photo by Smith_Cl9.
December 5, 2012 Weather: Partly Cloudy, High of 53 Degrees.
A Zadie Smith reading and a free poetry slam at Lincoln Center are on our calendar.
“Tiffany pearl necklace with great sentimental value lost somewhere between 72nd and 79th St.” Seen it? Click here.
B’nai Jeshurun on West 88th Street is in the midst of an internal battle over an email sent by rabbis supporting the U.N.’s designation of Palestine as an observer state. The email said, in part: “The vote at the U.N. yesterday is a great moment for us as citizens of the world…This is an opportunity to celebrate the process that allows a nation to come forward and ask for recognition.” But member Alan Ripp said: “We are just sort of in a state of shock,” he said. “It’s not as if we don’t support a two-state solution, but to say with such a warm embrace — it is like a high-five to the P.L.O., and that has left us numb.” (NY Times)
Ariel West and Tower 67 are among the city’s first totally smoke-free buildings; they are receiving Healthy High-Rises awards. (NYC Blog Estate)
A man was able to get away from two armed attempted thieves after they accosted him on 70th Street and Columbus at 4 a.m. (NY Post)
Seinfeld was voted the best sitcom ever, beating out Honeymooners. (Daily News)
Regarding smoke free buildings: I used to smoke and now I basically don’t – I do buy a pack of unfiltered Camels once every two months or so…not because I’m addicted to nicotine, but because I do enjoy the very occasional cigarette with a drink (that’s right, a drink, as in drinking – which seems to be promoted to our pleasure without concern). But what gets my attention, are some recent statisics that state the average American male weighs 16 pounds more now than he did in 1990. This health binge the neurotics seem hell bent for leather to impress upon us doesn’t seem to be working. We’ve got low fat, no trans fat, skim everything. We’re gluten free, we’ve got gyms a-go-go and we spin and sweat…and yet we seem to be in no better shape than we were 22 years ago. Maybe those were the indeed good old days.