Photo by Sarah Ackerman.
October 23, 2012 Weather: Mostly Cloudy, High of 65 Degrees.
Events today include multiple free concerts, readings by emerging writers and more. On our calendar.
Our votes might mean diddley-squat in the presidential election because of the electoral college system, but it’s always fun to go into those booths anyway. Be aware: some voting sites have changed. You can find your site here.
Columbia researchers plotted noise complaints throughout the city on a map, and found one area of the Upper West Side appeared to have the highest concentration of complaints. “Noise-sensitive renters in New York should think twice about locating to the Upper West Side near 100th Street. Beginning at 8 a.m., a perfect storm of pandemonium arises from the neighborhood, booming with a god-awful cacophony capable of defeating the thickest of earplugs.” (Atlantic Cities)
The New York Housing Authority has installed 21 security cameras at the Amsterdam Houses public housing projects. (NY1)
Robert DeNiro thanked the firefighters who stopped the blaze at his Upper West Side apartment a couple of months ago. (NY Post)
Disabled people say NYC needs more accessible cabs. There are now 233. (Transportation Nation)
Here’s the trailer for Ken Burns’ documentary on the Central Park jogger case. (First Showing)
Hey, why does the sample ballet on that voting site you linked to list Obama twice, once under Democrat, fine, but then again under “Working Families”?!