Photo by Michael Vooss of the crowd lined up at the Apple store for the debut of iPhone 5.
September 21, 2012 Weather: Sunny, High of 72 Degrees.
Today’s events include a play at the Society for Ethical Culture, human chess and more. On our calendar.
Time Warner Cable residential customers can pick up a pair of free tickets to an October 11 food-sampling event at the Landmarc restaurant in the Time Warner Center at Time Warner Cable stores in Manhattan, located at 46A East 23rd Street and 2554 Broadway (at 96th Street). The food is made by the cast of Food Network show Chopped.
Jewish Home Lifecare passed a major hurdle on its way to building a new 20-story nursing home on 97th Street, even as neighbors have filed suit to stop it. A state committee voted on Thursday to grant Jewish Home a Certificate of Need, which organizations need to move ahead with a public health project.” “We’re just about home free,” said JHL spokesperson Ethan Geto. (Columbia Spectator)
Was The Sylvia, a building on 76th Street, named for a Shakespeare heroine? (Ephemeral New York)
Some people waited all night at the Upper West Side Apple store to get a new iPhone 5 today. The first two people — a dad and his 17-year-old son — started waiting on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Can the dad be arrested for that? (USA Today)
Remember to look out for colorful cars handing out fortune cookies today.