Photo of the Space Shuttle Enterprise being lowered onto the Intrepid by Douglas Kiddie (close enough to the UWS, and what a picture!)
June 8, 2012 Weather: Isolated Thunderstorms, High of 80 Degrees.
The teddy bear we wrote about yesterday was found in the school auditorium, safe and sound. Mom responded “PHEW!”
Three men were shot dead in the back of a BMW on Claremont and 122nd Street near Columbia’s Manhattan School of Music, supposedly by another man who was also in the car with them. “The victims were identified as Amaury Rodriguez, 31, Heriberto Suazo, 26, of Washington Heights, and Patrick Catalan, 25, of the upper East Side.” (NY Daily News)
Local parents and students protested too much testing.”‘It’s not fair that my teacher had to take away so much time from teaching us just to give us these tests and grade them,’ said Max Servetar, a sixth grade student at M.S. 54, who didn’t take the field test that his class was scheduled to take yesterday.” (Gotham Schools)
A brief reminiscence: “Most of the winos on the Upper West Side have vanished. They have been replaced by financial consultants wearing jogging gear and carrying lap dogs. The wino I miss most had a working dog named Bill.” (NY Times)
There’s a “war on landmarks” in the real estate community. (NY Observer)
Parents getting waxings for their 12-year-olds before sending them off for camp? (NY Times)
RJ Williams, a suspected bank robber who eats lightbulbs and lives on the UWS, was nabbed by police. (NY Daily News)