Photo by Matthew Tichenor.
June 1, 2012 Weather: Partly Cloudy, High of 72 Degrees.
Landmark West is holding its annual Unsung Heroes of the Upper West Side event on Tuesday, June 12 at the Beacon Theater. This year they’re honoring preservationists, and NY1 anchor Pat Kiernan will be the host. Young professional tickets are $25 and other tickets are also available at $50 and $75 levels. Buy tickets here and learn more here.
Tenants at 315 West 103rd Street have been through a slightly insane ordeal. First their landlord started construction in 2009 after declaring their building vacant, and now the city has OK’d the construction but they can’t get access to the plans to keep tenants safe. “I once compared it to a cage, but I realize it’s a cave,” said one resident. “Am I going to be looking at this for another five years?” (NY Press)
The mayor’s girlfriend broke her ankle falling into a hole in Central Park. (Gothamist)
New York City is feeling more and more like the suburbs. (NY Times)
Actor Michael McKean, who was hit by a car last week, was released from St. Luke’s Hospital and transferred to Roosevelt on 58th for rehab. He had to drop out of his play “The Best Man.” (IBT)