Well-known Irish chef Conrad Gallagher sent us a note about the concept behind The Purple Fig, his new restaurant on 72nd Street between Broadway and West End Avenue that opened in place of PD O’Hurley West End.
“The idea for opening came from a friend of mine who had the lease and felt he wanted to change the concepts and he asked me to come on board as a managing partner and transform the space. So after a few visits to new york and visiting some of the very good local restaurants, the purple fig was invented.
My concept is that we are a local restaurant for local people. We will offer a 3 course pre fix lunch and Dinner menu for $26.95 and this will be available from 12. to 2.30 and 4.30 to 7.30 7 days per week  we will offer bar snacks and tapas from 12 noon to 12 midnight 7 days per week , our Dining room will offer a more French bistro fare with a casual service.”
Gallagher has opened restaurants all over the world, and had three restaurants in Ireland as of a year ago. Check out our initial story on The Purple Fig from last month. That story also has the menu.
Has anyone been? Care to let us know how it went?