December 23, 2011 Weather: Partly Cloudy (Chance of Rain), High of 48 Degrees.
The annual Audubon bird count turned up 3,286 birds this year, about 3,000 fewer than last year, according to a preliminary count issued by Audubon. For years, Audubon says, birds have been responding to changes in the climate: “Audubon’s Birds & Climate Change data proved birds are not Climate Skeptics, but already voted on this issue decades ago with their wings, many moving their summer ranges on average a miles north every year.” This year, warm fall weather and then a sudden cold snap on the day of the count (last Sunday) may have affected the results. (Audubon)
Nurses are set to strike at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital system starting on Jan. 3. The stike would affect the 114th Street and 58th Street hospitals. (NY Times)
Upper West Side economist Eugene Sarver also makes nice furniture. Who knew? (DNAinfo)
A woman in her 20’s was hit by a car on 92nd Street and Broadway around 10:45 p.m. on Thursday. She was taken to the hospital in unknown condition. (DNAinfo)