October 24, 2011 Weather: Mostly Cloudy, High of 61 Degrees.
This week’s events are up, although we’ll be adding more events, particularly for the weekend.
Do you like the photo above? You can see more like it, and buy copies, at supremely talented Upper West Sider Michael Huitt’s website.
A man whose leg had to be amputated after a car accident in upstate New York, says that someone as old as 90-year-old Upper West Sider Marion Clement who hit him shouldn’t be on the road at all without taking a new road test. His family is suing Enterprise for renting to her. “They don’t rent to 21-year-olds. Why should they rent to a 90-year-old?” says his wife. What do you think? (NY Post)
Details are emerging about the new 20-story tower slated for 77th Street and Broadway, including the likely average rent for a one-bedroom: $6,500. (Wall Street Journal)
Kids at PS 75 buckled down and agreed to eat their veggies, and it actually paid off! They won a national healthy school award. (CBS)
The city has had a bumper crop of mushrooms this year, because of all of the wet weather. They’ve been poking out in spots where people have never seen mushrooms before, including from some unlucky people’s ceilings. (NY Times)
I’m 65 and I firmly believe that people over 75 should have to take a driving test (not just an eye test) every 2 years. The problem is not with Enterprise, it is with the state systems that do not check on people’s fitness to operate a motor vehicle. Another reason I plan to stay in Manhattan. I don’t WANT to be driving when I’m 90. My mother lived to be 97, so I’ve given this issue some thought.